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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Maksim Gelman gets 200 years for killing 4 in Brooklyn

Maksim Gelman was sentenced to 200 years in prison for murderous rampage

MAD MAKS got hit with the max Wednesday after a raucous court hearing where he insulted the judge, trashed his victims — and insisted, “I’m not the bad guy here.”

A sick smile creased the face of multiple murderer Maksim Gelman after Brooklyn Judge Vincent DelGiudice sentenced him to rot in jail for the rest of his miserable life for a bloody killing spree last February that left four New Yorkers dead.

“Take him out of my sight,” the judge said after sentencing him to 200 years behind bars.

“Your honor,” Gelman

sneered. “You can suck my Russian d---.”

“Your offer is declined,” DelGiudice shot back.

Dressed in an orange jail jumpsuit, his eyes wild beneath his buzz cut, Gelman came into court ready to lash out.

Gelman seethed as Andre Lev described the pain of losing his mother, Anna Bulchenko, and sister, Yelena Bulchenko, to the murderous maniac.

“I just think that whatever the maximum sentence is for what he did is never going to be enough,” Lev said.

Gelman erupted when Yelena Bulchenko’s boyfriend, Gerard Honig, complained that Gelman had shown no remorse.

“You fell in love with a heroin addict, you f------ f------,” Gelman yelled.

“You’ll burn in hell,” Honig screamed back.

His face furious, Gelman then screamed, “You say my name in vain ... I’ll murder you.”

Gelman was then pulled out of his chair and marched out of the courtroom to cool off back in the lockup.

But it did little good.

When Gelman returned he called Bulchenko a “whore” and attacked the reputation of his stepfather, Alexander Kuznetsov, whom he also murdered.

“My stepfather, he tried to abuse my mother,” he claimed.

Spinning a bizarre defense, Gelman claimed the Drug Enforcement Agency could have stopped his killing spree because they’d planted a GPS device in his car.

“These murders, they should have stopped after the first one,” he insisted. “It’s not my fault that this happened.”

DelGiudice didn’t buy a word of it.

“You sir, are a pathological violent predator,” said the judge, who called Gelman “crazy as a fox.”

Gelman pleaded guilty in November to the homicides after a psychiatric exam determined he could not bring an insanity defense.

“The words that come out of his mouth,” defense attorney Edward Friedman told DelGiudice, “are not the words of a healthy human being in any way, but words that clearly emanate from a diseased mind."

Prosecutor Kenneth Taub agreed that Gelman lacks “a moral compass” but said he’s been “glorifying his bad ass reputation.”

“He’s proud of what he did that dastardly day,” Taub said.

In a recent jailhouse interview with the Daily News, Gelman boasted he’d killed six other people and described himself as a high-rolling coke dealer exacting revenge.

Police are investigating Gelman’s claims.

The barbarity began early on Feb. 11 when Gelman stabbed Kuznetsov, 54. He murdered Bulchenko, 20, who had rejected his advances, after killing her mother Anna, 56.

After slashing another man and stealing his car, Gelman fatally struck pedestrian Stephen Tanenbaum, 60.

Cops were hot on Gelman’s trail when he stabbed straphanger Joseph Lozito, 41, a day later on a Manhattan subway train.

Lozito, a martial arts expert, took Gelman down with a leg sweep before cops pounced on him.

Gelman pleaded guilty to attacking Lozito on Wednesday during a brief hearing in Manhattan. He faces 25 years in prison for that crime.

“Being drawn and quartered would be a more appropriate punishment,”

Spree Killer Maksim Gelman Gets 200-Year Sentence:

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