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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

“It Is Forbidden for Anyone to Buy or Read This Book”

Greeting and blessing. Regarding the recent controversy surrounding a book released by Shmuley Boteach entitled ‘Kosher J’ I am writing this letter to express my authoritative view in response to those who have sought my opinion on this matter.

While it is not normally my style to write letters of condemnation, having read the book, I feel it poses a tremendous risk to the Jewish community and therefore imperative to state my halachic (Jewish legal) opinion that it is forbidden for anyone to buy or read this book, or give its author a platform in any way shape or form to discuss this topic.

It is not my intent, nor does it serve any purpose to engage in any polemic. It only enhances the sensationalism surrounding the book’s release. However, in the 40 years I have spent combating missionaries across the globe, I have never read a book, let alone one authored by a purported frum (religious) Jew, that does more to enhance the evangelical missionary message and agenda than the aforementioned book. The grossly distorted message of the book violates basic premises of original and authentic Jewish tradition, thus unavoidably must be rejected for being heretical.

It is my sincerest hope that the author recognizes the error of his ways and looks to make amends by retracting the book.


Rabbi Dr. J. Immanuel Schochet


  1. After shmuel Boteach wrote a response against Rabbi Schochet and included Rabbi Y. Y. Schochet in his response, Rabbi Y Schochet felt it his obligation to respond. check it out.

  2. I grew tired of this kind of sensationalism masquerading as significant reading material a number of years ago. Both Rabbis lead relatively public lives and their writings are well known to the Jewish world. Comparing the writings of Rabbi Schochet to those of Rabbi Boteach is rather like comparing a pomegranite(with it's 613 seeds) to a marshmallow. For those who desire spiritually healthy, intellectually stimulating reading...Rabbi Schochet is the way to go. For those wanting a lot of fluff and eye candy meant to titilate and satisfy their spiritual sweet tooth for literary junk food...Rabbi Boteach wil not disappoint. I for one choose the former.
