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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Florida Jewish restaurant attacked several times in past weeks.

The Mozart Cafe, a kosher Jewish dairy restaurant located in Deerfield Beach, has recently been the target of anti-Semitism.

When 38-year-old Israeli native Galit Sagiv, discovered the third hate note tacked to the restaurant door where she's the manager, the mother of two couldn't help but be reminded of the terrorism that was a constant threat in her homeland.

"My house in Israel was bombed by Hezbollah, so we can recognize the signs of violence," she said.

For the past month, employees at The Mozart Cafe, a kosher Jewish dairy restaurant, located at 1250 W. Hillsboro Blvd. in Deerfield Beach, have found anti-Semitic hate mail and graffiti tacked to the restaurant's door and window when they opened for morning business.

Even though Sagiv said she hasn't experienced any anti-Semitic incidents before the hate notes started, she is painfully aware of the reality of anti-Semitism because of her experiences in Israel.

"My children don't wear a kippa or anything that identifies them as Jewish," she said.

The hate mail unnerved her, but when it recently intensified, with hateful words telling the owners to "go to hell!" and "go home," along with the usual four-letter words and Star of David graffiti, she called the police who twice came to investigate.

Sagiv was advised to contact the local office of the Anti-Defamation League who has become involved in the incident.

"ADL is dismayed by the series of anti-Semitic messages that were left at Cafe Mozart over the last few weeks," Robert Tanen, ADL Florida associate director said in a statement.

"While it's disheartening to see a Jewish kosher business singled out and targeted with anti-Semitic hate, such incidents are usually intended to impact an entire community," he said. "That's why it's imperative that the Jewish community unites and sends a loud and clear message that such ugliness is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

"ADL has reached out to Mozart Cafe to offer assistance and support, and has been in regular contact with the Broward County Sheriff's Office which continues to closely investigate this case," Tanen said.

The ADL also strongly condemns a series of anti-Semitic incidents in Port St. Lucie over the last several weeks targeting and vandalizing local businesses.

"ADL condemns the recent pattern of anti-Semitic incidents targeting local businesses in Port St. Lucie," Andrew Rosenkranz, ADL Florida regional director noted. "The anti-Jewish messages, vandalism and fecal matter are despicable. Such hateful acts are unacceptable and should be investigated as potential anti-Semitic hate crimes."

In addition to the ADL, Sagiv also contacted Rabbi Ruvi New of Chabad of East Boca Raton, who urged the community to be "vigilant."

"It's just another reminder that the ugliness of anti-Semitism rears its head again," he said. "It's something that we need to be vigilant about and never take for granted."

Shimi Avni, owner of Cafe Mozart which opened just four months ago, vows not to be frightened off by anti-Semitism, and will not let it interfere with his restaurant.

"It doesn't scare me — but I don't want customers to be worried," he said. "We see this in [Israel], but we didn't expect it in Florida."

Sagiv is hoping the anti-Semitism doesn't scare customers away and urges the Jewish community to rally around them.

"We need all the Jews of the community to come to the restaurant to show support," she said. "We don't want to have to close the restaurant."

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