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Saturday, January 7, 2012

'Drunk' NYPD cop tossed from bus is suspended

Frame grab from video of man alleged to be NYPD Sgt. Carlos Fabara being arrested on a Greyhound bus for drunkenness after boarding in Philadelphia

An NYPD seargeant who was kicked off a Greyhound bus in Philadelphia during the holidays has been suspended without pay, police said.

Off-duty Sgt. Carlos Fabara refused to get out of the New York-bound bus when the driver tried to kick him off for drunkenness on Dec. 27., authorities said.

A Philly cop had to cuff and drag him off the bus, witnesses said.

A passenger caught the embarrassing altercation on tape, and posted it to YouTube, where’s it been viewed thousands of times.

Fabara faced no criminal charges over the boozy incident.

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