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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Brooklyn, NY - More Anti-Semitic Graffiti Scrawled In Midwood

swastikas on a private driveway with the hate message, “Die Jews

Swastikas on Ocean parkway

Swastikas on apartment building entrance - 1293 East 5th

Brooklyn, NY - At approximately 12:30 this morning, Assemblyman Dov Hikind was awakened by concerned neighbors who called to tell him that more anti-Semitic graffiti had been found down the block from his home on East 5th Street between Avenue L and the Dead End in Midwood, Brooklyn.

A large black swastika had been painted along with two smaller black swastikas on a private driveway with the hate message, “Die Jews.” Across the street, two swastikas were also painted on the door of an apartment building at 1293 East 5th Street.

Hikind rushed from his home, where he found a crowd of concerned people gathered on the street despite the late hour. Hikind noted that the general sentiment expressed by community residents was, “Here we go again. When will these attacks stop?”

Hikind said, “Can you imagine coming home and seeing swastikas painted on your property? This is just the latest in a series of ongoing anti-Semitic occurrences in Brooklyn and throughout New York City, and people are justifiably very concerned and upset. Almost every day, there seems to be another incident reported. The police have hardly made an arrest in any of these cases.

I am calling on the NYPD to use every resource available to apprehend the person(s) responsible for these heinous acts so that people in the community can once again have peace of mind.”

More Signs Of Hate In Brooklyn:


  1. Where is Hussein Obama, Mario Jr, and Mike Bloomberg. I am certtain that if these disgusting notes would have been anti-black instead of anti-Semitic you would have heard from them.

  2. Every homeowner should have CCTV video cameras surrrounding their property. This would cut these incidents by 90%.

  3. It’s time to make Aliyah.

  4. Yidden should be able to have pepper sprays, shotguns and other firearms in their possession, and should seriously reconsider their aversion to dogs. Imagine that it is against the law to carry pepper spray in this State. The policy of this State against the possession of arms is similar to that of Fascist societies. Go Texas and other carry states. My opinion is that if vandals knew they could suffer injury or worse resulting from their anti-semitic and terrorizing acts they would think twice before doing so.
