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Monday, January 16, 2012

Brooklyn, NY - Jewish Family Threatened In Anti-Semitic Phone Call

The threatening phone call comes on the same day where anti-semtic graffti was found scrawled in Flatbush

Brooklyn - A family in the Midwood section of Brooklyn received a threatening, anti-Semitic phone call late Sunday, according to Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) who spoke with Good Day New York on Monday.

He says the community is on edge and on alert after the incident.

Hikind says the recorded message stated: "All Jews are going to die. All Jews must die, one by one. All Jews are going to hell."

He says the family is in fear after receiving the message on their phone. The recording was turned over to the NYPD. They are investigating.

That incident comes after anti-Semitic graffiti was also found in the same neighborhood early Sunday morning.

Vandals spray-painted swastikas on two buildings and the message "Die Jews".

Hikind said he was awakened by neighbors around 12:30 a.m. who called to tell him that more anti-Semitic graffiti was found down the block from his home on East 5th Street between Avenue L and the Dead End in the Midwood section.

Hikind says people in the community are terrified.

After seeing the graffiti, an 11-year-old girl reportedly asked her mother, "Can the Holocaust happen here?", according to Hikind.

“Can you imagine coming home and seeing swastikas painted on your property? This is just the latest in a series of ongoing anti-Semitic occurrences in Brooklyn and throughout New York City, and people are justifiably very concerned and upset,” said Hikind.

Hikind is calling on the NYPD to use every resource available to catch those responsible. He also questioned why Mayor Bloomberg has not appeared in Jewish communities where vandals are leaving anti-Semitic graffiti.

Jewish Family In Brooklyn Threatened:

1 comment:

  1. Bloomberg and the NYPD will probably say this is also a insurance scam based on the angle of the swastika- even though its across the street from where the torched cars happened
