NEW YORK – Two NYPD officers have hired a lawyer and claim that they are being sexual harassed by their supervisor.
The two female officers, who wish to remain anonymous, are from the 103rd precinct in Queens and say that the supervisor, Lt. Jason Margolis, should no longer be allowed to supervise them pending an investigation.
The officers claim Margolis is known around the precinct for hitting on female subordinates.
One officer stated she pursued her sexual harassment complaint internally with the NYPD and the investigation was closed. She contends the harassment has continued, and she is now being retaliated against.
She has filed a discrimination complaint with the NYS Division of Human Rights dated November 8, 2011.
The second female officer says she has also been sexually harassed by Margolis and came forward after hearing about the treatment of the first officer. This second officer has filed an internal complaint with the NYPD, Rivera reports.
“They could have at least removed him from the 103 Precinct so that we can go to work comfortably,” one of the female officers told Rivera. One of the officers, aged 28, says it got so bad she thought about turning in her badge.
NYPD Spokesman Paul Browne told Rivera, ”The complaints of the two officers are under active investigation.”
See the other pending case in the 103rd Precinct