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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Chabad Org. Donates Sukkah for 'Occupy Wall St.

A 'Pop Up' Sukkah was erected in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York.

The sukkah, which was built Wednesday at Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan, was sponsored by Occupy Judaism NYC, Jews for Racial & Economic Justice, Kolot Chayeinu and CBST.

No permit was obtained to build the sukkah and, according to the Facebook Event page, there is a strongly enforced rule against building structures in Zuccotti Park.

“We chose to erect and occupy our sukkah here at Zuccotti Park,“ Dan Sieradski, the organizer of Occupy Judaism NYC, wrote in a statement. ”There is no better place to celebrate the festival of Sukkot this year than right here at Occupy Wall Street. We stand in solidarity with all those who are challenging the inequitable distribution of resources in our country, who dare to dream of a more just and compassionate society.”

The sukkah was donated apolitically by PopUpSukkah, a Chabad organization.

Six other Occupy protests across the country — in Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, Atlanta, Oakland and Los Angeles — have plans to build sukkahs at the demonstrations.

Last week, Occupy Judaism NYC organized a Kol Nidre service that was performed in solidarity with the protesters across from Zuccotti Park. Demonstrators have been protesting what they see as economic disparity in the United States for nearly four weeks.

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