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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Never Seen 9/11 Footage Released By Firefighter-Videojournalist

Rescue and Recovery at Ground Zero from Lou Angeli on Vimeo.

New York - On the 10th Anniversary of the World Trade Center disaster, a firefighter-videojournalist is releasing never-before-seen footage of the rescue and recovery effort at Ground Zero following the collapse of the twin towers. The footage, filmed by fire-rescue videojournalist Lou Angeli, depicts the surreal sights and sounds of the disaster zone that was off limits to news cameras and press.

Serving in a dual role as a firefighter and documentarian, Lou Angeli worked alongside rescue teams filming their rush to find victims in 14 acres of debris. It’s a scene very few have seen because most of Angeli’s Ground Zero footage has never been released…until now.

Angeli’s 2 hour reel chronicles the actions of thousands of emergency personnel and volunteers, who served at the most horrible disaster imaginable. Interviews with emergency responders and support volunteers reveal untold facets of the rescue mission and the support operation that kept the wheels turning at Ground Zero.

“When everything could have totally fallen apart,’ Angeli says, ‘these remarkable people revealed to the rest of the world the true meaning of the American Spirit.”

Angeli views this collection of video as an historical piece. “Our recollection of that day and the heroes who served so gallantly is fading,” The filmmaker reminds us. “We need to rejuvenate that spirit by remembering the sacrifice of these men and women, who left family and home to assist fellow Americans in crisis.”

Copies of the unedited video clips are available through the filmmaker, Lou Angeli.

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