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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Chassidic student jailed in Japan lands in Israel

Yoel Zev Goldstein

Hundreds of friend rejoiced on the streets Meah Sharim when their friend Yoel Zev Goldstein arrived earlier today.

Goldstein arrived at Ben Gurion Airport via Korean Air lines, after spending close to 4 years in a Japanese prison. Earlier last week, he was found not guilty of all crimes and was free to go home after the Immigration service held him for a couple of days due to visa issues.

Tireless work by many volunteers and liasaons, helped the quick release and trip back home. Israeli Interior Minister Eli Yishai issued a new passport in an effort to speed up the process, and not giving a chance for the Japanese prosecutors to appeal the Not-Guilty verdict.


  1. I hope that the Satmar community will show some hakores hatov to the ZIONISTS that got him out.

  2. There's a show on the Discovery Channel called "Locked Up Abroad", it's about people exactly like this boychickle who were caught red handed smuggling drugs. Some knew what they were carrying, others like this yungerman claimed they didn't. Let this be a lesson to our children never, ever take any packages to distant lands from anyone except your mother.

  3. Nothing is happenstance. There is a lesson in everything. Dear parents, please teach your children about the dangers of drugs. The glamour and money is too exciting that it sometimes blinds this danger. Many civilized countries have outlawed drug smuggling and made the punishment very harsh. Stop glorifying this horrible tragedy. Learn something

  4. הבחור הזה שמח - זה מובן. אבל איזה מסר מועבר לצעירים? תיצאו את א"י לצורך פרנסה. תשקרו לאנשי הבטחון שלא קיבלתם משלוח. תרויחו כסף בשוק הסמים. העיקר שסמים מחומר טבעי והם דבר כשר למהדרין...

  5. המסר מכל חגיגות אסירי יפן לכל הרפתקן חרדי ברור.
    תעשה מה שבא לך וכמה שיותר חמור אם הצלחת מה "טוב". לא הצלחת ונתפסת אל דאגה מיד ימצאו עסקנים שיריבו על הזכות לגייס מיליונים מציבור חרדי רעב ללחם כדי לשחרר את הבן יכיר שהגויים חטפו מספסל הלימודים.... וקצת תסבול ותצא כוכב חרדי על כל הפינוקים שהמעמד החדש שיסדרו לך העסקנים והרבנים שהשתגעו.
    אני שמח בשמחת המשפחות ומצטער רק שהציבור החרדי הרעב שילם מיליונים לשחרור הרפתקנים/פושעים.
    רבני סטמר וכנ"ל כל רבני קהילה שחבר מתוכה סרח היו צריכים לארגן עצרת בשק ואפר כקבלת פנים "לגיבורים" ? ולבקש את מחילת הציבור תוך הודעה שמהיום בחור שיחפש הרפתקאות שידע חד וחלק שבאם יתפס שיתחיל ללמוד את הש"ס בע"פ בכלא.

  6. It is important to remember a few things:

    1. These boys were knowingly committing a crime. They thought they were "just" smuggling in antiques. It is still illegal. It is still theft. It is still a punishable offense. They deserved to go to prison on that alone.

    2. Celebrating this as some kind of "homecoming" as if they were POW's returning is a HUGE mistake that will be very costly to yidden in the future. The return home should be somber and conclude with a tearful and heart-felt apology to the people of Japan whose laws he disrespected, and to the many yidden who had to spend millions of dollars to save him from his own criminal activities. He needs to accept

    While we should all feel a sense of relief that this boy will not spend his life in prison, he is not innocent. We, as a community, spent an enormous amount of "good will" and "political" capital on him (not to mention the monetary capital). This means there will be less "good will" for the next Jewish criminals.

    I am VERY glad this boy has come home, but he/we should NOT celebrate. He brought about an enormous chillul H" through his criminal activity. He is still a CRIMINAL who cost us all VERY dearly.
