West Africa - A 59 year old Brooklyn man who was in West Africa on business died this past Shabbos following a minor car accident that took place on Thursday deep in the heart of the Kenema District’s mining country located in Sierra Leone.
Avraham Levy of Kensington, who was in the tile and granite business, had been in Africa on business for several weeks and was hospitalized for observation after the accident. He died due to complications from diabetes, after the remote makeshift hospital to which he was taken was unable to provide him with insulin.
Levy’s family found out about the accident when Levy’s rabbi attempted to contact him by phone on Friday. Levy’s phone was answered by someone who told the rabbi that Levy was in the hospital and not doing well.
Mrs. Levy confirmed that she contacted Oxford insurance company to arrange for a Medi-Vac transport to a higher level medical facility, explaining that her husband was a diabetic, had proper coverage and that she had already located a carrier willing to transport her husband. According to Mrs. Levy, Oxford insisted that the transfer had to wait until after the weekend.
Chesed Shel Emes was notified of Levy’s death on Motzei Shabbos and was able to prevent an autopsy and embalmment, both normally done before a body can be flown out of the country.
After learning of Levy’s death on Motzei Shabbos, the family contacted Chesed Shel Emes who activated connections within the Department of State and Dept of Foreign Affairs in order to prevent an autopsy from being performed. The State Department was contacted yet again when complications arose with local officials during the six hour car ride to the Sierra Leone capital of Freetown from the remote area where the hospital was located.
Levy’s body is currently en route to Brussels from Freetown International Airport where a connecting flight to Israel for burial will be arranged
טרגדיה: היהלומן אברהם לוי מבורו-פארק נהרג בקניה
היהלומן, תושב בורו-פארק, יצא לקניה לעסקים - ונהרג בתאונת-דרכים • ארגון 'חסד של אמת' פנה למשרד החוץ האמריקני, שמנע חילול המת • ארונו יובא היום לניו יורק
קהיליית היהלומים בשכונת בורו-פארק שבברוקלין הזדעזעה אמש (א) עם הגעת הבשורה הקשה כי
איש העסקים, היהלומן תושב השכונה, ר' אברהם לוי, נהרג בתאונת-דרכים בקניה.
לוי, בן 56, יצא לקניה לצורך עיסקי היהלומים שבבעלותו.
בהיותו בקניה היה מעורב בתאונת-דרכים, שבה מצא את מותו.
בני משפחתו מיהרו לפנות לארגון 'זק"א' בשיתוף עם ארגון 'חסד של אמת CSE' מניו יורק, ובקשו את עזרתם.
אנשי 'חסד של אמת CSE' פנו לאיש הקשר של הארגון במשרד החוץ האמריקני, שפקידיו התערבו ומנעו חילול המת,
ר' אברהם לוי ז"ל יובא היום בטיסה מיוחדת לניו-יורק, שם תיערך הלוויתו.
Levy from Kensigton related to the Killer?
ReplyDeleteCompletely unrelated to the killer, his name was Levi.
ReplyDeleteThe official memorial pages to pay respects to are here: