Anthony Weiner, Eliot Spitzer, and Dominique Strauss-Kahn are all a certain type: the Jewish Big, narcissistic, entitled, and unapologetic. And society loves to see a Jewish Big fall.
During the Anthony Weiner dirty-tweeting scandal, no one had much to say about the Jewish congressman’s religion. The same was true of New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, also Jewish, when he was revealed to be frequenting prostitutes, and IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who’s half-Jewish and half-Catholic, when he was pulled off an airplane and charged with rape. This is odd because it was their faith—their Jewishness—that was responsible, in a way, for their undoing.
Weiner, Spitzer, and Strauss-Kahn are all representative of a certain type of Jewish man: what former Forward editor Seth Lipsky used to call, half-ironically, “Jewish Bigs.” Jewish Bigs are emperors without any clothes—men who believe they are important because someone else, starting around age zero, told them they were. What they are not are the people they believe themselves to be—bold, fearless, supremely intelligent, always, always in the right. It should be stressed, very high up, that this is a small subset of the Jewish community, and that this subset is probably not entirely distinct from other noxious, embarrassing, offensive, or ethically lacking subsets of other communities, religious and otherwise. But all this doesn’t make the phenomenon any less real or less troubling.
There’s more: The Jewish Big is a particularly prominent subset in today’s America. There may be clearly defined subsets of Latvian Bigs or Latino Bigs or even Zoroastrian Bigs, but none of these communities-within-communities has consumed as much airtime as the Jewish Big. Nor are any of these parallel bigs big because of their respective national, religious, or ethnic identities; they just happen to be big and, say, Latvian. Nor are any of them especially susceptible to the sensibilities of elite society, in which a hyper-sensitive and ineffectual feminism is married to a mindless Puritanism. It is the Jewish Big who is uniquely big and vulnerable to a non-Jewish world that doesn’t care for him—not simply because he’s big but because he’s big and Jewish.
The Jewish Big has not always been and will not always be. He is a function of a postwar Jewish culture that is only a few generations from the shtetl. He is the vessel into which the heavily caricatured Jewish mother funnels all her ambitions and anxieties. Usually, happily, these vessels grow up. They transcend their childhood. They become someone. But the sort who ends up as a Jewish Big is unable to transcend, as if by congenital fiat. He believes that all the wonderful things his mother told him about him are true; he never learns that almost all these things are lies or distortions that, ideally, serve to strengthen the undeveloped ego of a 5-year-old who, once grown, will achieve just a few of the things his mother told him he would. He is narcissistic and blind because he doesn’t know that he is not, as it turns out, the Messiah. What he is is a groyser tsuleyger, or big shot, with the crudeness of a bulvan, or dummy—although he knows enough to smooth over those edges when need be, to contain his many angers. He reminds us, just a bit, of Philip Roth’s father figure in Goodbye, Columbus, Ben Patimkin. But he’s nastier. Patimkin dotes on his daughter. The Jewish Big doesn’t know how to dote. Yes, he has his moments, his flashes of gratuitous warmth, but these are moments, exceptions to his personality, which is narrow and single-minded: The Jewish Big only knows how to love himself. The love he doles out to other people is part of the happy diorama he has cobbled together in the service of his success. It is contrived.
What makes the Jewish Big particularly offensive is that he was not supposed to be this way. This is not the place he comes from. Jewish civilization, it bears repeating, is a rich tapestry. That tapestry doesn’t stand apart. It is a majestic force that is very much of this world and is meant to make us more humane, wise, understanding—civilized. But the Jewish Big is less civilized. He has never gazed at one of Chagall’s floating brides or read one of Babel’s Odessa stories. He has forgotten that the synagogue is led by a teacher, whose job it is to force upon us a great, if not always welcome, introspection. This is the etiology of the Jew, and especially the Ashkenazi Jew, but it is as if the Jewish Big has been divorced from his beginnings. Where has he been, this bully, this chump, with his smirk and his sense of entitlement? Has he not been paying attention? Where is the warmth, the ironic wit, the inclination to think and argue and wonder and parse, to tread with care and a modicum of intelligence? The Jewish Big doesn’t know from this.
In Weiner, Spitzer, and Strauss-Kahn can be found all the essential ingredients of this outlier personality. It’s not simply arrogance and brazenness. (Certainly, Bill Clinton is arrogant, as are David Vitter, John Ensign, and John Edwards, and few, if any, politicians have outflanked the Kennedys in raw brazenness.) It’s the arrogance and brazenness coupled with a glaring meanness. (We see manifestations of this unhappy cocktail in other Jewish Bigs whose crimes are not sexual, starting with Bernie Madoff and Jack Abramoff.) This is why it’s so hard for the Jewish Big to apologize for his transgressions—and it’s why the public finds it impossible to accept his apology. He doesn’t believe he’s done anything wrong, and, much more important, he is offended, deeply and personally, by the suggestion that he has. When attacked, his inclination is to explode. Instead of apologizing, he snarls. When he does apologize, he doesn’t mean it, and we know it, and he knows we know it, and this compounds his rage. He is trapped in a vise that is alternately infuriating and mystifying. He does not believe, reasonably enough, that a Messiah can do any wrong. We’d rather not see things this way. It would be much simpler—it would comport with present-day practice—to view the Jewish Big as just another white male oppressing people of color, and, in fact, Strauss-Kahn’s Caribbean-born chambermaid and Weiner’s Twitter correspondents, including an African-American woman in Seattle, reaffirm this dichotomy in the public mind. But that would be a mistake. That would be an easy explanation that fits neatly into a liberal theology that views the world through a simple-minded prism of equal parts race, class, and gender.
The unfairness of it all is that the Jewish Big is, in fact, programmed to be “bad” more often than non-Jewish, and especially Gentile, Bigs. That’s because he was born into a people that has no culture of sin. This doesn’t mean he or any other Jews are unfamiliar with the idea of sin. We know all about sin. We just don’t believe that we’re born bad. We have no original sin. This seems absurd and cruel, and it makes people scared of their bodies: What will I do if left to my own devices? (It’s not an accident that it was a Viennese Jew who made the breakthrough observation that sex is an utterly ordinary and central part of the human experience.) So, the Jewish Big believes he has a license that, in fact, he does not have, that no one has. In his narcissism, he confuses an absence of sin culture and an absence of sin. He thinks that because no one ever said that sex is evil, and because everyone always said that he was wonderful and perfect, he can have what he wants. He intuits that that’s not always possible—getting ahead demands that he hew to certain standards—but he doesn’t really feel it. He doesn’t believe it. He is, you might say, less restrained.
Until recently, this lack of restraint was less problematic. That was when America was more forgiving of sexual improprieties and we didn’t learn about them via hand-held device, if at all. Now the Jewish Big’s many crimes and misdemeanors, literal and figurative, are not just unacceptable; they are broadcast everywhere instantly. The dalliance, the hotel tangle, the pathetic display of whatever it was that Weiner was up to—all these things are violations of the spirit of our time, and they cannot be so easily covered up. Even if one’s crimes have not been recorded digitally, as in the cases of Spitzer and Strauss-Kahn, the conversation about those crimes takes place in a digital arena that metastasizes like a communicable disease across multiple latitudes and time zones with a hitherto unknown velocity. The only kind of offender who can escape this sand trap is someone who already enjoys a great well of public affection.
This raises an important and related point: The Jewish Big does not enjoy a great well of public affection. This is due, mostly, to his character, which is lacking. But there’s something else: The fall of the Jewish Big is not entirely his own making. That’s because the Jewish Big is Jewish, and the Christian, non-Jewish public likes Jewish when it’s humorous, charming, wise—Talmudic. But when it’s not those things, when a Jew acts badly, the public is reminded, consciously or otherwise, of the Jew’s otherness, of all the medieval fairy tales that have been swirling through the ether for centuries, about Shylocks and perverts and cheats and spineless men and big-hipped women and bankers and communists and government-occupying Zionists, and that is when a preliminary annoyance or distraction morphs into something uglier.
When Weiner announced that he was resigning from Congress, at a press conference in Brooklyn, he was Greetedwith an angry round of applause and shouts of “pervert!” There was a ferociousness in that response that was deeply disproportionate. Weiner broke no laws and hadn’t even behaved that badly. His crime: Acting crudely and lying about it. How strange that so many people should be so offended by his wrongdoing. Yet they were, because the Jewish Big is not just big but because he’s other. He is suggestive of an anti-Semitic cartoon. He isn’t that cartoon, of course. But he makes other people think that he might be. He reminds them that he is not from this place, even if he is.
I have no idea how I happened upon this website, but yours is a very interesting, well-reasoned article and provides lots of fodder for some lively dinner table debates. You could be right about the Jewish Bigs. I dunno, I'm a Goy, but you know, not a Big one.
ReplyDeleteMy experience with Bigs (and I unfortunately had a financially devastating one with a non-Jewish Big) is that they're all the SAME. Narcissism and greed know no boundaries. Brought up in a sin culture, not brought up in a sin culture - all of them believe that behavioral norms and rules that apply to the rest of us simply don't apply to them because they're so SPECIAL. They're above all of us Schlemiells (sp?). So self-absorbed, arrogant and possessing that blase air of entitlement are they that they epitomize Alfred E. Neuman's Cuckoo LaLa Land saying, "What, me worry????" and go about their business easily and sans conscience.
The Goy Big grew up in a sin culture and didn't have a mother telling him he's the Messiah, but he behaves just like the Jewish Big. Case in point - the Goy Big Conrad Black (he of the ridiculous, purchased, laughable British title "Lord of Black Harbour" - talk about Big self-absorption), who, even after the judge tossed him back into prison for another year, steadfastly insists he's done nothing wrong - that he didn't massively rip off his own shareholders. Perhaps it was his Jewish Big wife, Barbara Amiel, constantly telling him he's the Messiah (or more aptly, the second coming of Christ). Hmmmmm. Methinks, however, the seeds of his Bigness were sown long before Ms. Amiel came along.
The big Bigs a la Madoff and Black wreak enough havoc on the world, but the truly disturbing thing is the huge number of SMALL Bigs out there - all thinking they're special, never admitting (nothing to admit), never apologizing (nothing to apologize for), never caring that their blithely selfish, greedy, creepy and often illegal actions do immense financial, mental, emotional and in some cases, physical, harm to others and ultimately, stupidly, blindly, causing their own often spectacular demise.
Instead of racial profiling, I think Big profiling would serve the world much better. If a child shows Big tendencies, then he or she could attend a special Small school to learn how to be human. Adult Bigs could be given the choice of entering Big Rehab (good luck with that!), or be shipped off to, oh I don't know, Saint Helena Island (former home of the REALLY big Big, Napoleon Bonaparte) and provided with all the amenities and opportunities to be Big on each other. Oy vey!! Wouldn't THAT be a doozy of a society to study and document!! Eventually, though, you'd have the bleeding hearts crying, "Bigs must not be discriminated against! Bring them home! Let them live among us! They must be given every opportunity to swindle us! That's what they DOOOO!" Ghhhaaaaa!
As for Spitzer, Weiner and their ilk, I heard someone say recently that those who SEEK office are exactly the type of people who should not HOLD office. Now that's food for thought .....
Shelley Smyth
It's easy to construct a straw man argument but there is some truth in those 'medieval fairy tales'.
ReplyDeletetell me which goy knows that he is a goy?? but anyways you are truly right about this site it is amazing i read it once a day and there is allways good news to read!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sick of jews.
ReplyDeleteBernard Madoff and Alan Hevesi come to mind from recent reports as good examples of the archtype discussed here.
ReplyDeleteYou write: "That’s because the Jewish Big is Jewish, and the Christian, non-Jewish public likes Jewish when it’s humorous, charming, wise—Talmudic."
ReplyDeleteFrom my perspective if the on-Jewish public knew what is actually written in the Talmud they wouldn't think it humerous, charming, and wise but simply filthy.
To the second Anonymous above: I don't know the Torah at all, so cannot comment on your statement that there is filth in it. But you know there's filth in the Bible too right? Just one of several examples is Lot's two daughters plotting with each other to have a threesome with him!!
ReplyDeleteTo? You know you're a goy because a Jewish person(s) has told you you're one or you've read it somewhere. You really have to be living under a rock if you don't know what "goy" means in this day and age. If you live in a big city, to me it's pretty much impossible not to have Jewish friends, colleagues, etc.
I've read a few definitions of goy (pl. goyim) - everything from "animal walking upright", to "a dim-witted, dull person", to "a nation of non-Jewish people", to "an outsider". The vast majority are derogatory, but let's not forget all the names Jewish people have been called down through the ages,which is the absolute least they've suffered at the hands of others.
I've also read that under Talmudic law, a Jewish person is allowed to rape, steal from, cheat and kill non-Jews but I have not actually seen that phrase in the Torah.
All that being said, my experience with numerous cultures/religions around the world is that each and every one of them thinks THEY'RE the best, that THEY alone have God on their side and they all have another group or groups they look down upon. With no exception in my experience, it seems to be inherent in human nature to separate ourselves from our other fellow humans and put ourselves above others. Until we conquer this ego-based view of ourselves and others, we're never ever going to solve a damn thing.