Mayor's staffers targeted
Federal and city investigators probing the massive, fraud-ridden CityTime payroll system are widening their focus from the private contractors who allegedly ripped off the project to staffers within the Bloomberg administration, The Post has learned.
Authorities are poring over e-mails and work records from the city's Office of Payroll Administration. And prosecutors are pressuring those connected with the scandal to rat on government staffers tied to what has become, according to critics, the single biggest problem of Mayor Bloomberg's two-plus terms in office.
"They want city officials," said one person who's been approached by federal and city authorities investigating CityTime. "They're brutal, the pressure they're putting on."
Another source said authorities are focusing, for starters, on Joel Bondy, the former head of the Office of Payroll Administration who was forced to resign from his $205,180-a-year post in December.
"His activities are being very closely analyzed," said the source, who has been briefed on the case. Bondy has not been charged and his attorney, Guy Petrillo, had no comment last night.
Bondy resigned after Bloomberg put him on unpaid leave following the arrest of four CityTime consultants and two of their relatives who were charged with ripping off $80 million by billing the city for hours that were never worked.
One of the those charged, Mark Mazer, is a former city employee who once worked with Bondy at the Administration for Children's Services. Bondy also worked for one of the CityTime subcontractors, Spherion, before being hired as head of the city's payroll operation.
It's unclear who else is being targeted by the feds and the city's Department of Investigation.
One former exec with the main CityTime contractor has already pleaded guilty, and nine people have been indicted so far.
An official familiar with the investigation said, "With a big case like that, [prosecutors and investigators] are going to work it hard and take it as high [in the government] as they can."
Once hailed as a futuristic way to save money and crack down on payroll abuse, CityTime was supposed to cost taxpayers $63 million.
But that was a decade ago. The project's total cost is now closer to $760 million and US Attorney Preet Bharara has said $600 million of that is tainted by the fraud and conspiracy that has marred the development of CityTime.
Contractors allegedly lied and vastly inflated their costs as delays and expenses piled up.
Bloomberg last week formally requested a $600 million refund from Science Applications International Corp., the Virginia-based company responsible for developing the system. The company's stock yesterday closed down 80 cents, at $16.20.
Bloomberg spokesman Marc LaVorgna declined to comment on the direction of the investigation. Bharara's office yesterday also had no comment.
Asked whether city officials are in the cross hairs, DOI spokeswoman Diane Struzzi said, "We won't stop until everyone is held accountable, wherever they may be."
God Bless the Feds!
ReplyDeleteI do NOT believe that the NYC DOI is going to do much. They refused to investigate a valid problem in OPA and the NYC Comptroller's OFfice, and the MAyors OFfice. Until I see proper justice coming from the agency's in NYC I am now inclined to believe that even Bloomberg's ENTIRE STAFF ARE CORRUPT and I DO HAVE THAT PROOF AS WELL AS OTHER PROOF! I think it is SICKENING that we have so many dishonest people in these agencies. I only trust the FBI and I would become an FBI agent, if I could. Most definitely you CAN BE SURE I WILL remain being an FBI INFORMANT because I definitely DO KNOW that the investigations that began prove to be necessarily continuous and more questions asked. If I worked for any of those agency's I WOULD BE the RAT for sure because a RAT is not a BAD person. A RAT is one who would be willing to risk their job for the sake of other people and for the sake of truth and justice when they know the law is being broken. YES I HAVE ALSO BEEN A WHISTLE BLOWER as a NYC employee and you CAN BE SURE, I WILL NOT sit back and SILENTLY WATCH the corruption without providing necessary information when necessary!
ReplyDeleteIn response to the person who has posted, I know for a fact that there is an is an assistant attorney General for the NYC Attorneys Office who knows where a large amount of money that belongs to another person, is sitting with the NYC Comptroller. And the NYC Comptroller's Office has the money and refused to give it to the person entitled to it. The so called assistant to the NYC attorney General who knows the persons money is with the NYC Comptroller cannot do anything, and refused to write a letter stating that is where the money is located. This assistant NYC attorney General is a weak person who is more concerned about keeping a well paid job rather than helping someone. I think this assistant NYC Attorney General is shameful. And you can be sure I will also inform the FBI because there are names of people in all of these agencies that have been referred to who have either left their jobs in these agencies and are still there, who all need to be held accountable for their participation in illegal activities and for covering it up when they saw it. I hope the FBI reads this page! I ALSO say GOD BLESS THE FBI and I ALSO WANT to work for the FBI, I WOULD LOVE To be a SECRET AGENT for the FBI! You can be SURE I WOULD BE a GREAT FBI agent because I am an HONEST, LAW Abiding citizen and I would NEVER and never HAVE worked for anyone who offered some kind of kick back if I were to perform a task that was wrong. If I were in a job situation like that, I would not take any kickbacks and I would report the person in more ways than one and I would not stop until every speck of DIRT was SWEPT OFF the FLOORS and WALLS! Thank you for this website. I appreciate the Website Administrator for providing this very informative Blog and allowing me to post. God Bless this website and God Bless the FBI and keep every agent strong and honest and let them fly like invisible bees as they investigate whatever they believe needs to be investigated! Only the FBI knows what they will investigate and I think it is right that they go in unannounced where ever they have to go.