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Monday, July 11, 2011

Israel Police investigating video comparing officers to Nazis

The editors and promoters of a YouTube video comparing Israeli police officer to Nazi soldiers will be investigated.

Police Commissioner Yohanan Danino has instructed the head of police intelligence and investigations Commander Yoav Segelovitch to determine whether a video clip uploaded to the internet in which Israeli police officers are compared to Nazi soldiers violates Israeli laws.

The police intend to persue a criminal investigation against those responsible for editing the video clip, as well as those who took part in distributing the clip, which was uploaded a year ago, though only came to the attention of the police recently.

In the video, Israeli officers removing Jewish settlers from Gush Katif in Gaza and Amona in the West Bank are juxtaposed intermittently with images of Nazis soldiers during the Holocaust.

Settlers placed caravans in Amona in 1995, and received demolition orders for these structures in 1997, 2003 and 2004. Security forces in 2006 razed the structures that had been built there, facing strong opposition from the settler movement. IDF forces evacuated the Gush Katif settlements of Gaza in 2005.

Commissioner Danino added that he scornfully condemns the video. "This is a challenge to the legitimacy and activity of Israeli police officers," said Danino. The commissioner referred the task to the international relations division, and asked Segelovitch to "apply the full weight of the law" on those responsible for the video.

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