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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Taking creative license

He'd like to buy a vowel.

The retired NYPD sergeant who successfully battled the Department of Motor Vehicles to keep his "GETOSAMA" license plate will now be swapping out one letter so it reads "GOTOSAMA."

Arno Herwerth's initial attempt to score the new plate was shot down when a DMV computer showed it wasn't available on Monday, the day after the terror lord was shot dead.

"I thought someone already got it," Herwerth said.

But DMV spokesperson Jackie McGinnis told The Post it was just a "computer glitch" -- and that the Long Island man would have first dibs on it.

"We might even reach out to him, because he has already said he wants it," McGinnis said.

"I'm thrilled," Herwerth said. "It's perfect."

Herwerth successfully sued the agency in 2008 after officials refused to allow his "GETOSAMA" plate because it could incite a violent reaction.

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