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Monday, May 2, 2011

Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck shower praise on President; 'Thank God for President Obama'

Some of President Obama's harshest critics rejoiced over the news of Osama Bin Laden's death - and some even praised the performance of the commander in chief.

In the rarest of kumbaya moments, arch conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh hailed Obama for his plan to snuff out the world's most wanted man.

"We need to open the program today by congratulating President Obama," Limbaugh said at the start of his show. "President Obama has done something extremely effective, and when he does, this needs to be pointed out."

Limbaugh lauded Obama's focus and his choice to continue President George W. Bush's hunt for Bin Laden.

Limbaugh also said the decision to send a Specials Forces team to take out the terror kingpin amounted to a brilliant piece of military strategy.

"The military wanted to go in there and bomb like they always do…just scorch the earth leaving no evidence of anything after the mission. But President Obama single-handedly understood what was at stake here," Limbaugh said.

"He alone understood the need to get DNA to prove the was President Obama single-handedly and alone who came up with the strategy that brought about the effective assassination of Osama Bin Laden."

He later added, "Thank God for President Obama."

Yet the radio host made sure to get some of his trademark digs, switching Obama's and Bin Laden's names around in some of his remarks.

Fox Newser Glenn Beck also got in on the love fest, congratulating Obama, saying "He got him."

But Beck complained that Bin Laden received a "dignified burial at sea."

"I really would have put this guy in a meat grinder with a pig," Beck fumed. "Oh, you're not going to get your 72 virgins? Sorry, that sucks to be you. Wrap him up in Hormel, pack him in a can of Spam, man."

"I'm telling you, I would have put cans of bacon bits in every orifice of his body," Beck raged.

Beck's Fox News colleague and one-time preacher Mike Huckabee echoed Beck's fire-and-brimstone.

"It has taken a long time for this monster to be brought to justice," Huckabee said. "Welcome to hell, Bin Laden."

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