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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Montreal - Firebomber Who Targeted Skver Yeshiva to be Out on Parole

Twenty-five-year-old Omar Bulphred was denied early parole in 2009 because he represented a high risk of re-offending, showing signs of violence and aggressiveness, all the while in denial and thinking himself a victim of persecution.

Now the National Parole Board says the risk Bulphred poses is an unacceptable risk.

And it's for all these reasons that he'll be under house arrest and a curfew at a halfway house outside the Montreal area.

Bulphred was sentenced in February 2009 for his role in the firebombing of the Skver-Toldos Orthodox Jewish Boys school in Outremont in September 2006 and the Ben Wieder community centre in Snowdon the year after that.

Bulphred is scheduled to reach the two-thirds mark, the statutory release date, of his seven year sentence sometime this month or next.

Deducting the time spent in preventive custody, Bulphred had already served about half his sentence.

Letters claiming responsibility in the name of Islamic Jihad were traced to Bulphred, who was the mastermind, and his accomplice Azim Ibragimov.

Bulphred will also have to follow psychological counselling and avoid the Internet, drugs and people with criminal backgrounds.

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