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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Japan thanks ZAKA for rescue efforts

Japan's ambassador to Israel hosts members of Jewish rescue organization, thanks them for their help following tsunami disaster

Japanese Ambassador to Israel Haruhisa Takeuchi recently hosted ZAKA Chairman Yehuda Meshi-Zahav and other members of the ZAKA delegation to thank them for their professional assistance during their recent two-week recovery mission to Japan.

Meshi-Zahav briefed the ambassador on the recovery mission, which took place in early April as part of the international humanitarian work of the UN-recognized volunteer organization.

On behalf of the people of Japan, the ambassador expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the ZAKA delegation for their humanitarian efforts in the rescue and recovery work following the earthquake and tsunami.

“Your work in the devastated areas and your specialist knowledge and assistance was much appreciated by the emergency services with whom you worked in the field,’ noted the ambassador.

The ambassador added that he was aware of the sacred work of the ZAKA Rescue and Recovery Organization at terror attacks and mass casualty incidents in Israel and overseas.

“We in the Japanese Embassy have great esteem for the humanitarian endeavors of the ZAKA organization, regardless of religion, race or creed. Our doors will always be open to you and your special work.”

The Ambassador added that the Japanese people were particularly moved by the friendship and assistance offered by people from around the world.

“Through this disaster we have learned the true meaning of the phrase - a friend in need is a friend indeed.”

During the recovery mission in Japan in early April, the ZAKA delegation worked together with the Japanese army and emergency personnel from around the world in recovering and identifying bodies trapped in the rubble; shared information on handling mass casualty incidents, assisted in humanitarian relief efforts (including working alongside an Iranian delegation in food distribution and worked in the IDF field hospital.

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