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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Heidi Jones, ex-WABC weather anchor, accused of false rape claim, could go free

A former TV weathercaster charged with making false rape claims could go free after prosecutors admitted Wednesday that she was questioned without being read her rights.

One-time WABC-TV forecaster Heidi Jones had claimed she was assaulted by a mysterious "Hispanic" man in Central Park last fall.

But when a massive manhunt came up empty, she made damning statements admitting she'd lied under grilling by cops, officials said.

Jones' lawyer is now challenging the admissability of the statements since they were taken without her being made aware of her rights.

"The District Attorney has now confirmed no Miranda warnings were ever given to Heidi Jones," defense lawyer Paul Callan said.

Manhattan prosecutors admit in legal papers that Jones was never read the Miranda warning, but insist it's a non-issue because she was not under arrest.

"The defendant was not in custody at the time her statements were made," Assistant District Attorney Shanda Strain wrote in court papers. "Miranda warnings were not required and the statements taken \[from\] the defendant was lawfully obtained."

Prosecutors also said the statements were given "in the context of a criminal investigation she initiated."

Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Felicia Mennin ordered further hearings on whether Jones' rights were violated.

Speaking outside court, Callan said that Jones was grilled by two detectives for hours after midnight in a police interrogation room and had no idea she was allowed to leave or stay silent.

The meteorologist, who has filled in on "Good Morning America," wilted under questioning and admitted she made the whole thing up.

"I did make this up. I made it up for attention. I have so much stress at work, with my personal life and with my family. I know there is no justification for it," she allegedly told detectives.

Jones claimed she was attacked in Central Park while jogging on Sept. 24 and that her attacker later approached outside her home Nov. 21.

Court records reveal that Jones even made a 911 call about the alleged attack.

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