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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ex-Miss Russia held without bail on shoplifting charge

Now she can be Miss Rikers.

Former Miss Russia Anna Malova was whisked off to jail in her matching snakeskin high heels and bag this morning.

The ex-beauty queen is already on the hook for alleged prescription-forging. But Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Ellen Coin cited the ex-beauty queen's recent shoplifting arrest and her failure to report on time for court-mandated drug treatment program evaluations when throwing her in our version of the gulag -- without bail

Malova, 39 looked confused as court officers led her back to a courthouse holding cell. She's back in court May 31. By that time, her evaluations will be complete and she'll have been released, said her lawyer, Robert Gottlieb.

"She's very upset," said her lawyer, Robert Gottlieb. "And she knows that she has a problem and she has been doing her very best to address it."

Malova has shown up as much as four hours late for her evaluation appointments for a court-administered program.

If approved for the program, she would receive treatment rather than jail for a 44-count indictment charging she swiped prescription sheets from two of her psychiatrists and forged prescriptions for Vicodin and Klonipin.

"The lateness is not that she is thumbing her nose at the court," her lawyer said. "It is indicative of the underlying problem -- she has a very serious dependency and there are very serious psychological issues that go with that," he said.

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