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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

At least it wasn't a shoe: George W. Bush nearly hit in face by rogue ball at baseball game

VIDEO: Foul ball lands near President Bush:

He famously ducked out of the way when an irate journalist threw a shoe at him during the Iraq war.

And last night former president George W. Bush showed off his reflexes again when he narrowly avoided being hit in the face by a foul ball at a baseball game.

It nearly smashed into Mr Bush and his wife, Laura, as they watched the Texas Rangers play the Chicago White Sox in Arlington last night.

White Sox catcher A.J. Pierzynski raced into the stands to try and catch the rogue ball as it landed in the owner's box - only to find himself face to face with the former president.

He said: 'I told him just because he was the president doesn’t mean I wouldn’t jump on top of him. He and his wife got a good chuckle out of it.

Mr and Mrs Bush were watching the match last night from the front row box with owner Nolan Ryan and his wife, Ruth.

The near-miss came during the sixth innings, when Rangers player Adrian Beltre smashed the ball towards the dugout.

It flew into the box and behind a screen as Mr Ryan's wife, Ruth, covered her head with her hands.

Mr Bush attempted to make a play for the ball, giving up at the last second when Pierzynski reached around the screen to try and grab it.

But he missed, and the ball hit the ledge in front of Mr Bush's row before bouncing into the seats. The former president looked visibly shocked, but no-one was hurt.

Pierzynski spent a few moments talking to Mr Bush and the former First Lady once he realised who he'd nearly run into.

He said: 'Yeah, we obviously knew he was there.When I saw that ball go up I actually thought I might have a chance just to catch it.

'I was like, "Well I can reach around". I needed about another foot. Then I realised I almost jumped in the former president's lap.

'It was funny. I had Nolan Ryan and George W. Bush sitting five feet from each other. At least I had a good landing spot if I were to go all the way over the wall.'
Mr Bush, who used to own a share in the club, attends several Rangers matches each season.

His luck continued after his narrow mistake, with the team going on to win 4-0 in two hours and five minutes.

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