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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rabbi Samuel Kellner Accused of Bribing Witness in Case Against Other Rabbi

Brooklyn Man Accused of Paying Child Witness to

A Brooklyn rabbi is under arrest and facing charges of bribery and witness tampering for allegedly paying an individual to accuse another rabbi of sexual abuse.

Sources tell NBC New York that Samuel Kellner was arrested Tuesday night. The Brooklyn district attorney has scheduled a news conference but has declined comment ahead of the announcement.

Kellner is accused of paying a witness to say he was abused by Rabbi Baruch Lebovits, who was sentenced a year ago to 32 years in prison after he was convicted of child molestation.

Defense lawyers for Lebovits were expected in court Wednesday to try and argue their client should be released.

It was not immediately clear whether Kellner had an attorney
MYFOXNY.COM - Rabbi Samuel Kellner of Brooklyn faces several charges including perjury and conspiracy for allegedly paying a witness to testify that he had been abused by another rabbi, according to the Brooklyn district attorney.

Kellner was arrested Tuesday night.

Rabbi Baruch Lebovits was sentenced to 32 years in prison last year after he was convicted of child molestation, according to the D.A.

The Brooklyn District Attorney will announce charges against Kellner on Wednesday.

Borough Park, NY - Kings County District Attorney Charles J. Hynes announced the indictment of Samuel Kellner, 49, charged with paying a child to testify falsely that Borough Park rabbi, Baruch Lebovits, had sexually abused him. Kellner is also charged with attempting to extort $400,000 from the Lebovits family to prevent other children from accusing the rabbi and to stop those who had come forward from pursuing their cases.

The indictment charges that, in 2008, after Kellner learned Lebovits had been accused of sexually molesting a child, Kellner paid a second child $10,000 to falsely claim Lebovits also abused him. Both children testified before a Kings County Grand Jury which ultimately charged Lebovits with both misdemeanor and felony sex abuse counts, according to the indictment against Kellner. Kellner next sent emissaries to the Lebovits family demanding $400,000, in exchange for which, Kellner would prevent those witnesses from testifying at trial and prevent a third “victim” from coming forward, according to the indictment. The Lebovits family did not comply with the demand, and in November 2008, a third “victim” did come forward, the indictment charges. Kellner later threatened to bring a fourth “victim” to testify, according to the indictment.

In March 2010 Lebovits was convicted of eight counts of Criminal Sexual Act in the Third Degree, with the testimony of the third witness. The second witness did not testify at the trial. Lebovits was sentenced to 10-and-two-thirds to 32 years in prison.

Kellner is charged with Five Counts of Attempted Grand Larceny in the Second Degree, Two Counts of Perjury in the First Degree, One Count of Conspiracy in the Fourth Degree and Two Counts of Criminal Solicitation in the Fourth Degree. If convicted, he faces up to 21 years in prison.

According to NBC News Defense lawyers for Lebovits were expected in court Wednesday to try and argue their client should be released.

Associated Press
NEW YORK — Authorities say a man is charged with paying a child $10,000 to falsely testify that a Brooklyn rabbi had sexually abused him.

The rabbi, Baruch Lebovits, was sentenced last year to up to 32 years in prison.

District Attorney Charles J. Hynes says a new indictment charges Samuel Kellner with perjury.

The prosecutor says Kellner found out in 2008 that the rabbi had been accused of molesting a child, then got the second child to make similar claims.

Kellner also is accused of demanding $400,000 from the rabbi's family while saying he could have other children make allegations against him.

The name of Kellner's attorney was not immediately on record.

Authorities say a man is charged with paying a child $10,000 to falsely testify that a Brooklyn rabbi had sexually abused him.

The rabbi, Baruch Lebovits, was sentenced last year to up to 32 years in prison.

District Attorney Charles J. Hynes says a new indictment charges Samuel Kellner with perjury.

The prosecutor says Kellner found out in 2008 that the rabbi had been accused of molesting a child, then got the second child to make similar claims.

Kellner also is accused of demanding $400,000 from the rabbi’s family while saying he could have other children make allegations against him.

The name of Kellner’s attorney was not immediately on record.

A Brooklyn man has been indicted for allegedly paying a child to testify that he was molested by a Yeshiva teacher and for attempting to extort the teacher's family out of $400,000 in exchange for suppressing other alleged victims from coming forward.

Samuel Kellner, 49 years old, pleaded not guilty to multiple counts of grand larceny, perjury, conspiracy and criminal solicitation in Brooklyn Supreme Court Wednesday. His attorney, Israel Fried, didn't return a call seeking comment.

The charges against Mr. Kellner stem from a 2008 case in which Baruch Lebovits was accused of molesting a boy. According to prosecutors, Mr. Kellner paid a second child $10,000 to falsely claim Mr. Lebovits had sexually abused him too.

At about the same time, Mr. Kellner, through an intermediary, demanded $400,000 from Mr. Lebovits's family in exchange for preventing the two boys from testifying and for preventing more young men from coming forward with accusations of sexual abuse, Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes said.

When Mr. Lebovits's family refused the demand, a third victim came forward with an accusation of abuse, Mr. Hynes said.

In March 2010, Mr. Lebovits was convicted of eight counts of criminal sexual act and sentenced to up to 32 years in prison. A spokesman for Mr. Hynes said the new developments don't affect Mr. Lebovits's conviction. The spokesman said the first and third victims were legitimate, and Mr. Lebovits was convicted based on the testimony of the third victim. He conceded that the accusations made by the second victim were likely false, but the second victim never testified at the teacher's trial.

On Wednesday, an appellate division judge granted Mr. Lebovits $250,000 bail and house arrest pending the appeal of his conviction.

His attorney, Arthur Aidala, said he was "satisfied" the district attorney pursued the case against Mr. Kellner. "It's always been our theory that the complainants only came forth and created these stories because they were paid tens of thousands of dollars," he said. "We're hopeful this will lead to the total exoneration of our client."

Prosecutors stood by a Brooklyn rabbi's child-molestation conviction Wednesday, even as they charged a Hasidic man with shaking down his family and bribing someone to make false accusations.

Baruch Lebovits, 60, received a sentence of 10 2/3 to 32 years in prison a year ago, based on the testimony of a 22-year-old man who said the rabbi sexually abused when he was 16.

The trial and stiff penalty sent shockwaves through Borough Park's tight-knit Jewish community.
But Samuel Kellner, 49, who brought the victim to prosecutors' attention, was charged with paying another man $10,000 to accuse Lebovits of abuse.

Kellner was also charged with trying to blackmail Lebovits' family out of $400,000 to make the cases disappear.

"Child abuse has to be prosecuted vigorously, but we also have to be careful about false complaints," said Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes, defending a decision to prosecute the case.

An investigation into Lebovits - a wealthy man who owned a travel agency - began when Kellner's close relative accused the rabbi of inappropriate touching, sources said.

Lebovits was hit with a misdemeanor, but when a second accuser - the one paid by Kellner - came forward, the rabbi was slapped with felony counts, prosecutors said.

The charges relating to Kellner's relative were eventually dismissed, and the second accuser later refused to testify at trial.

Meanwhile, representatives for Kellner told the Lebovits family to pay up or another victim would come forward, prosecutors said.

When the family refused, a third accuser stepped forward and gave testimony in March 2010 that led to Lebovits' conviction.

A source told the Daily News that third accuser was also tainted, having been offered $50,000 to take the stand.

"We believe everything was premeditated all along. All they wanted was the money," said a relative of Lebovits who asked not to be named. "The DA has him on recordings."

An appellate division panel will decide later Wednesday whether to release Lebovits on bail pending his appeal.

Prosecutors oppose any release, arguing the victim who testified at trial was truthful.

The rabbi is represented on appeal by high-power attorney Alan Dershowitz and his original defense lawyer Arthur Aidala.

"The indictment today really made it clear that our client was the victim of an extortion plot," said Dershowitz.

"We are satisfied and relieved by the DA's actions to follow up on the leads we gave him," Aidala said. "It goes a long way to prove our theory that all these charges are false."

Kellner was arraigned in Brooklyn Supreme Court for 10 counts of grand larceny, perjury and conspiracy that can land him behind bars for up to 21 years.

He pleaded not guilty and his lawyer Israel Fried described him as an advocate of sexual-abuse victims, which made him a lightening rod in the ultra-orthodox neighborhood.

"It seems reasonable that people in the community who are aware of him bringing people to justice will have a vendetta against my client," he said.

A man was charged Wednesday with paying a child to falsely testify in a Brooklyn rabbi's sexual assault trial.

Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes says Samuel Kellner, 49, paid a young boy $10,000 to testify that Rabbi Baruch Lebovits sexually abused him.

Kellner also reportedly tried to solicit $400,000 from the rabbi's family, saying he could prevent the children from testifying.

The district attorney says the rabbi is applying for bail pending an appeal, but he says Kellner's indictment should not change his sentence.

Lebovits is serving up to 32 years in prison for sexual assault.

"The question is whether or not the appellate division under all of the circumstances of this case will admit Lebovits to bail," said Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes. "We're opposing it, because we see no connection. It's clear that number two was falsifying, but we have no reason to believe that number three falsified his testimony."

Hynes added the bribed witness did not testify, and it was the testimony of a third child that led to the rabbi's conviction.

Kellner is charged with perjury, attempted grand larceny, conspiracy and criminal solicitation.

If convicted, he faces up to 21 years in prison
04/14/2001 PIX-11

Brooklyn Rabbi Accused Of Sex Abuse Freed From Jail, Under House Arrest

BROOKLYN (WPIX)— The appellate division of state Supreme Court has ruled Rabbi Baruch Lebovits should be freed from prison on bail, pending the outcome of his appeal of a 2010 sex abuse conviction. The decision to bring Lebovits back to Brooklyn, putting him under house arrest, came after District Attorney Charles Hynes announced that a Brooklyn man paid off a witness in one case to lie about Lebovits.

Samuel Kellner is accused of paying a Brooklyn youth more than $10,000 to testify to a grand jury that Rabbi Lebovits molested him.

Prosecutors said Kellner hatched an extortion plot, after he heard another youth had made abuse claims against Lebovits. D.A. Hynes said Kellner tried to extort more than $400,000 from Lebovits' family, which owns a travel agency.

Kellner solicited a third, young man to testify against Lebovits, but this victim said he never received any money from Kellner. Rabbi Lebovits was convicted by this man's testimony last year and sentenced to up to 32 years in prison.

The District Attorney said Wednesday he had no reason to believe the third victim told any lies, and he stands by last year's conviction. But Defense Attorney Arthur Aidala, went right to the appellate division of NYS Supreme Court, demanding that Lebovits be freed.

The judges agreed to set bail at $250,000 and said Lebovits will be sent home to spend time under house arrest, while the appeal on his conviction is heard.

The Lebovits trial was a "high-profile" case in the ultra-conservative, Orthodox Jewish community, which has been rocked by investigations of sexual abuse in families and schools in recent years.


  1. BREAKING NEWS! News conference at the Brooklyn DA office at 11:00 am regarding the arrest of Sam Kellner from boro park in reference to the Boruch Lebovitz sex scandal

  2. i guess this shows that it is possible for a "victim" to lie

  3. So this is how they get Baruch Lebovits out of jail - say that the witness was bribed!

  4. thank g-d he got arrested him and his buddys from boro park and willaimsburg are doing harrible crime

  5. i dont think Baruch Lebovits is a clean person but i do think some people screwed him over big time

  6. to Joe Levin i respect you love you and think your a great person continue with your goodness


  8. All those molesters have to live 24/7 under gates!

  9. to mr.Joe Levin i'm offering you 100k to take down the master criminal rabbi pig nuchem rosenberg because he deserves to be in jail for more than 32 years and by the way for extra 25k you can take his daughter to

  10. this is massive if true.. all the sex activist have suffered a major set back.. no one is going to believe anyhting anymore on such issues.

  11. The truth is coming out, finally

  12. i say free Mr. Lebowitz. I know what he did was wrong but it was not "child molestation" these were teenagers who knew exactly what there doing and why they are doing it, these were not children…. if you believe Mr. Lebowitz deserves a punishment, and he does, then band him from every shull in the hiemish community, put up his face on billboards etc. Jail was NOT the right choice. these boys wanted cars and what not and LET him touch them… and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop calling these lowlives Rabbi

    Just an opinion.

  13. Kellner's son was one of the three accusers in the case. Lebowitz was only convicted in the R case. The other cases were pending trial.

    If you followed my comments on this case all along you would see that I was alerting everyone that things are not what they seem.

    Kellner is a low-life much worse than Lebowitz. The father of victim R. is an even bigger low-life. He abused his wife and son much worse than Lebowitz was accused of.

    So while this case was a perversion of justice from the start, there still remains one fact: Lebowitz has a thing for young boys. The only difference is that he is not a predator. He does not seek out anyone. The worse he ever does is low level touching with a fully willing participant. Sometimes the participants had similar predelictions and sometimes they did it in order to feed a drug habit.

    As I said from the start, Lebowitz is a pig, but he is not the type of person a parent needs to fear, who deserves to be locked up for 32 years.

    Keep in mind that this is not the only sordid twist in this case. There are still pending matters before the court and there is still the case of Simon Taub who was arrested last year for extorting Lebowitz's son with similar allegations.

    Someone should buy the movie rights quickly, before it gets even crazier.

  14. Kein Yoyvdi Kol Hagoyim....There is no reason in the world why the judge sentenced him to 32 years in prison...He was foung guilty of 8 counts which carry the minium of 6-48 months on each count..She threw the books on him for the maximum and did not
    buy the defense that this guy who accused him is a JUNKIE drug addict...The only reason the gave him the maximum is because he did not want to plead guilty on a charge he denied ..Now that the truth is coming out let me see if she will reverse her decision ,release him for Yom Tov and dismiss all charges against him....
    This guy who was arrested has a very bad record here in Boro Park and is ulil for shefiches dumim just to make a buck....Finally his true colors will come out...

  15. Lebovits has victimized over one hundred boys, performing oral sex on them and other despicable acts. This is very well known throughout the Orthodox community. The fact that certain lowlives like Taub and Kellner tried to extort money from his son does not take away from Lebovits' guilt. To the idiot who is raving about taking the halacha into your own hands, yes we must follow the halacha which states that a victim must report a rodef, like Lebovits, to the police. There are written psaks from the Shulchan Aruch all the way down to Rav Elyashiv. The victim that testified against Lebovits that led to his conviction had nothing to do with Kellner's extortion plot. I hope the DA sees through the smoke and mirrors and keeps the pervert locked up. Enough neshamos have been destroyed by this sexual predator already.

  16. נעצר המוסר שעמד מאחורי ההלשנה על ב"מ לייבאוויץ שקיבל 30 שנה בכלא

  17. Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg - הרב ר' נחום ראזענבערג שליט"אApril 13, 2011 at 1:12 PM

    די רבנים און עסקנים קענען נישט זאגען "ידינו לא שפכו את הדם הזה",

  18. To b lebovits kids be strong and continue the fight you are going to win it big time

  19. How come the yeshiva world didn't post the story?

  20. Chaim yankel tract gut ven zien gut

  21. Wow.... so on this minimal information people will declare Baruch Lebovits innocent. Unbelievable.

    It is highly conceivable that Kellner was nothing more than an opportunistic extortionist who saw this case as an opportunity to commit his despicable crime.

    From what I'm told, the original complaining victim was a drug addict. Drug abuse is a common coping mechanism for those who have been sexually abused and no claim should EVER Be dismissed on those grounds. Also, abusers TARGET troubled teens. They tell them "I'm a respected Rav. Nobody will believe you....", and as we see from some of the posts above, they are absolutely RIGHT.

    One should not automatically dismiss the original victim. Just because Kellner was an extortionist, it does not make Lebovits innocent.

    Let's wait for the rest of the facts to come out here.

  22. sof ganev letlieh

  23. I was always told to stay away from this Kelner family. dont get me wrong it could be that lebowits is not rite but the kelners are a bunch of liers! what a sweet revenge

  24. I have a friend that at the age of 15 he was offered a ride by Lebowitz from Williamsburg to Boro Park. About midway he stopped the car and Lebowitz joined him in the back seat, Unzipped him and finished him... he later offered the boy a few bucks.

    My friend was completely innocent and didn't even understand at the time what Lebowitz was doing to him.

    I don't know how many kids he managed to ruin, but I believe he should be locked away for good.

  25. Really we don't do arresting? That's new to me. Of course i meant reporting. And reporting we need to ask a competent rav in each case and not bloggers or so called advocates.

    The twist in the case about K's brother is NR son in law, i didn't expect that you should think that it means anything. I just wanted for people to know that and its important.

  26. הרב ברוך מרדכי לעבאוויטש שנגזרה עליו 32 שנים בפנים, בשנה שעברה, ע"י מסירה שמסרו עליו אנשי בליעל אצל השלטונות, קיבל היום הבשורה טובה מהשופט, שלאחר התפתחות דרמיטית במשפטו הוא יהיה בן חורין בחג הפסח הבעל"ט.

    חסדי השם כי לא תמנו כי לא כלו רחמיו!

  27. The ONLY tampering that went on was this filthy bassturd's kosher weiner while intruding into his victim's tushy! The ENTIRE Jewish community should condemn this lowlife bassturd who not only betrayed & violated their trust but also destroyed a child's innocence. EVERY racial, ethnic, (etc) community should likewise condemn those who betray & violate their community... cops, priests, ministers, elected officials! Too bad Charles Bronson ain't around!

  28. If this is true then his conviction has to be thrown out. I can't see how the DA's office can defend this.

  29. this guy is one sick man!!

  30. the da`s office should let the other guy go!?
