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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Counter terrorism bureau warns Israelis of terror attacks abroad

Bureau says Far East as well as Greece and Turkey could be places where attack could occur; warning comes days before thousands of Israelis are expected to travel abroad for Passover vacation.

Terrorists intend to carry out attacks against Israelis and Jewish targets abroad, Israel's counter terrorism bureau warned on Sunday, specifying the Far East, Greece and Turkey as areas where an attack could occur.

The warning comes just a few days before the Jewish holiday of Passover, a time during which many Israelis go on vacation.

"Due to what is happening in the Gaza Strip, terrorists intend to carry out attacks against Israelis and against Jewish targets abroad during the Passover holiday," the bureau's notice said.

Along with Greece and Turkey, India and Thailand are also thought to be countries where an attack could take place.

Israeli traveling abroad must stay especially alert at tourist spots and entertainment venues and hotels, the bureau advised. They also advised against going to places where large groups of Israelis are known to be.

Last week, the counter terrorism bureau warned against traveling to Sinai and called on Israelis who were in Sinai to return to Israel immediately.

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