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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Monsey: woman killed in Florida triple murder-suicide - הלם בקהילה החרדית בפלורידה • רצח כפול של אם ובנה בביתם

Authorities received a call from 1407 Ironworks Lane about 2 a.m. Tuesday & Silver Bullet Guns was allowed to burn due to exploding ammunition

TARPON SPRINGS - Four people were found dead inside a house early this morning in what police said appeared to be a triple murder and a suicide.

The incident might be related to a fire that gutted a gun shop about a mile away, said Capt. Jeffrey Young of the Tarpon Springs Police Department.

Just before 2 a.m., police received an alarm call from 1407 Ironworks Lane. When officers arrived at the house, they found the bodies inside.

About the same time, firefighters were working to extinguish a fire at Silver Bullet Guns, 914 S. Pinellas Ave. The fire set off a string of explosions as the ammunition burned and damaged two other businesses in the complex.

Deputies said Michael Howard Schriebman, 53; his mother, Sarah Bricker Schriebman, 75; and his 50-year-old live-in girlfriend were killed by Michael Schreibman's nephew, Louis Emile Schriebman, 21.

Investigators said they believe Louis Schriebman then took his own life.

The girlfriend has not been named by officials because of next of kin had not been notified.

Detectives released the following timeline of events:

At about 1:30 a.m. an officer was flagged down by a witness who saw a thin, white male with curly hair wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt leaving the area of Silver Bullet Gun shop, 914 S. Pinellas Ave.

The shop was on fire.

As the officer approached, explosions – apparently from gunpowder and live rounds of ammunition - could be heard going off within the business. Tarpon Springs Fire Rescue and surrounding units responded.

At 1:33 a.m., Tarpon Springs police received an alarm call at Watches Galore, a business next to the Silver Bullet Gun, of glass breakage. Three businesses were destroyed by the fire.

Additional officers responded, shutting down the road in front of the business and setting up a perimeter in an attempt to contain the suspect in the area. Though police dogs began to track from the business, they could not locate anyone.

At 1:38 a.m., police receive an interior motion alarm call coming from 1407 Ironworks Lane. The front door glass was broken. Another unit arrived, approached the front door and saw an individual matching the suspect's description on the couch with a gun in his lap.

The hood of a vehicle on scene was still warm. The man would not respond to police commands and did not appear to be moving.

When police entered the home, they discovered the man on the couch was dead; police think from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Police then found three murder victims inside the residence, all victims of apparent gunshot wounds.

Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms agents were at the gun store along with state fire marshal's officials.

The Pinellas County Sheriff's Office forensics units, state attorney Investigators and the medical examiner's office were involved in the investigation at the residence.

Property records show the house was owned by Sarah Schriebman.

Public records show the gun shop was owned by L. Schriebman and M.M. Schriebman. It was not immediately clear the relationship between the various Schriebmans or if M.M. Schriebman was Mike Schriebman.

Mike Schriebman opened the gun shop within the past two years. A World War II-era bazooka hung on the shop's wall, said another neighbor, Heinz Mitterer.

Neighbor Mike Vaporis, 71, said Mike Schriebman kept some of his inventory at his mother's house.

"He had several guns in there, at least three or four,'' Vaporis said.

The heavy police presence in the early morning brought out neighbors to see what had happened. One neighbor came up to Vaporis and asked what happened.

"Everybody's dead over there,'' Vaporis said.

How many, the neighbor asked.

Vaporis held up four fingers.

The fire at Silver Bullet Guns destroyed the business and the one-story building it was in. Also destroyed were Jewelry and Watches Galore on one side of the gun shop and Lee's Hoagie House on the other.

Lou Messigner is the owner of the jewelry shop. He said he received a call early Tuesday from his alarm company, saying someone was trying to break in, either through a door or window.

"I came down and noticed a small fire in the middle of the gun shop," he said. "It began to escalate. Within seconds, it just tripled or quadrupled in size," said Messinger, 59. "Ammunition was going off."

"It was like Fourth of July," he said. "I lost everything."

Messinger wanted to assure customers whose jewelry and watches he was repairing that their possessions were safe, as he routinely locks them in a safe at night. He also locks his gold in the safe and was waiting for investigators to give him the go-ahead for him to retrieve the safe contents.

Lee Ray's son owns the newly opened sandwich shop. She said a co-worker called her after going to the restaurant to open up.

"She said, 'Lee, it's gone,' " Ray said. "I expected to see the restaurant burned. It's like ruins. It was, like, 'Wow.' "

Scott Etheridge, special agent with the ATF, said investigators were trying to get an account of the firearms at Silver Bullet Guns. They were also trying to find out whether anyone in the area got access to the weapons before the blaze

A New City woman living in Florida was killed Tuesday, the victim of an apparent triple murder-suicide.

Mara S. Shuman, 50, was living with Michael Howard Schriebman, 53, at 1407 Ironworks Lane, Tarpon Springs, Fla., when Schriebman's 21-year-old nephew, Louis Emile Schriebman, broke into the home and shot his uncle to death, police said.

Louis Schriebman is then believed to have turned his gun on his 75-year-old grandmother, Sarah Bricker Schriebman, shooting her twice in the head, before shooting Shuman, who had been hiding in a closet in the master bedroom, twice in the chest and once in the head.

After killing the victims, Louis Schriebman is believed to have killed himself with a single gunshot to the head.

The incident appears to have begun at Michael Schriebman's ammunitions store, the Silver Bullet Gun shop, when a man matching Louis Schriebman's description was seen running from a fire that had been set in the building about 1:30 a.m.

Eight minutes later, a residential alarm went off at Michael Schriebman's home, about two miles from the gun shop.

When police arrived at the home, Louis Schriebman's body could be seen from the front door.

He was sitting lifeless on a couch with the gun still in his lap, police said.
Three handguns are believed to have been used in the killings — a Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum and a 45-caliber Glock are thought to be the weapons used to commit the killings.

Louis Schriebman is believed to have used the third gun, a 38-caliber Ruger, to kill himself.

The police investigation was continuing Wednesday.

Shuman was well-known in the New City community.

Her two sons, now grown, attended Clarkstown North and, as children, were active in various sports throughout the county, including hockey and baseball.

Marc Shuman, 52, Mara Shuman's estranged husband, could not be reached Wednesday for comment.

A neighbor at his home on Cranford Drive in New City did not wish to comment on Mara Shuman's death but did say that Marc Shuman had flown to Florida to deal with the situation.

Dana Jeby Bernstein, Mara Shuman's sister, was reached Wednesday by telephone, but she was too upset to comment.

Police on Wednesday had not yet determined what may have driven Louis Schriebman to commit such violent acts.

Michael Schriebman had been shot twice in the back, twice in the chest and once in the head.

An arrest affidavit released by police says that Louis Schriebman was arrested Saturday by officers with the Pasco County Sheriff's Office.

He was found to be carrying a concealed handgun without a permit and in possession of 14.5 grams of marijuana, a bottle of prescription muscle relaxers and six morphine pills

Tragedy struck the ultra orthodox community in
Palm Harbor Florida.

A neighbor heard a disturbance and called police.

When the police arrived they found Sarah Silberman and her son
Michoel Silberman stabbed to death.

Yona Lunger the head of Florida's Chesed Shel Emes reports that he came to the scene right after
the local police alerted him. There was a broken window which the killer or killers appeared to have broken into.

The 2 were stabbed to death in their sleep with numerous stabbed wounds on their bodies.

The dead were transferred to New York to the New Square community

זעזוע בקהילה החרדית בפלורידה: אם ובנה נרצחו אתמול בברוטאליות מחרידה בביתם בפאלם הרבאר שבפלורידה.

שכן של המשפחה שמע יריות באמצע הלילה והזעיק את כוחות הביטחון.

המשטרה, שהגיעה למקום, גילתה את שרה סילברמן, אישה מבוגרת, ואת בנה, מיכאל שימשון סילברמן - כשהם דקורים וירויים.

יונה לונגר, נציג ארגון 'חסד של אמת' בפלורידה, מספר על הרצח: "מיד כשקבלתי הודעה מהמשטרה, הגעתי למקום. הרוצח כנראה פרץ דרך החלון לתוך הדירה, דקר את הנרצחים למוות, תוך כדי שנתם, ואחר כך ביצע וידוע הריגה כשירה בהם בכל חלקי גופם".

המשטרה חושדת, כי מדובר בפועל שעבד במפעל של המשפחה, ופוטר לאחרונה בשל בעיית סמים.

יונה לונגר הזעיק לזירה מניו יורק גם את ראש ארגון 'חסד של אמת', חיים מאיר רוזנברג, על מנת לנהל מו"מ עם השלטונות, כדי למנוע בזיון המתים.

לאחר שיחרור הגופות, שב רוזנברג לניו יורק עם שני הארונות, שהובאו לקריית סקוורא.

הלוויתם תתקיים היום והם יובאו למנוחת עולמים בבית העלמין היהודי בלונג איילנד.


  1. This tragedy is a classic example of why some sort of GUN CONTROL is needed

  2. נחשבנו כצאן לטבח יובל. איזו אכזריות יש בעולם

  3. Not a gun control issue. Sick, idiotic moron control is what we need! These things are almost always committed with illegal weapons. This nut didn't have a permit for the gun. Too bad there isn't a way to weed out these nutjobs before they snap. What happened,? Someone told him "no" and he didn't like it? He's not gonna like it where he's going now. Condolences to the families of the victims

  4. Gun control always works for the benefit of the bad guys. Too bad there wasn't a good guy with a gun in the area to stop him before he continued his crime spree.

  5. This is a sad tragedy ALL around!!! There is always more to the story, and only the deceased now the real story.

  6. I live down the street from them. The kid was taunted by his uncle all the time. They worked together in the gun shop & the way he was treated was very disturbing. Hiss uncle was very strange. The kid finally just snapped & unfortunatly this is what happened.

  7. Michael Schriebman, Louis's Uncle and Micheal's Mother Sarah, Louis's grandmother also lived in Rockland County, NY. They were my neighbor's & moved to the Orangeburg area in the late 1960's with Micheal's older brother Larry (Louis's father)and their father Al. Michael went to Tappan Zee High School and graduated in 1976. Ever since early childhood Michael wanted to open a gun shop & name it The Silver Bullet. His father Al had a large gun collection and it was a favorite pass time for both father Al & son Michael. They lived on Chapel Court, Orangeburg, NY. The family attended the Orangetown Jewish Center. It is very sad that no one has addressed the fact that the Schriebman Family is not remembered anywhere in the news and that they also lived in Rockland County for DECADES! The Schriebman's were a loving family and wonderful neighbor's. I was upset when our local news, Hudson Valley News did not mention they were also residents of Rockland County. I called the news & told them but I have yet to hear anything about them living for decades in our area.

  8. I Knew Michael from the Gun Shows (I was a vendor) and he was the promoter. The nephew had problems but unfortunately they were never dealt with properly. They should have left him in jail. It is very sad. All I know is that Michael always treated all vendors very well and went out of his way to make sure all vendors had everything they need. I also knew Mara and met Michael's mother (and her best friend)at earlier gun shows. This is such a tragedy. Bottom line: enabling leads to worse things - DO NOT ENABLE - my thoughts are with the remaining members and also friends of their loved ones. I will always remember Mike, Mara and Sarah.
