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Thursday, March 10, 2011

'I'm still in love with Bill': Friends say why Monica Lewinsky has never got married or had kids

The scandal almost destroyed his career and left his presidency permanently tainted.
But 15 years on, Bill Clinton’s former intern Monica Lewinsky has not got married or had children because she is reportedly still in love with him and 'always will be'.

Miss Lewinsky, 37, has run a successful business, hosted a reality television show and moved overseas - but has never found love, according to friends.

‘Monica still hasn’t got over Bill and would take him back in a second,’ a friend said.

‘She told me: “There will never be another man in my life that could make me as happy as he did",' the friend told the National Enquirer magazine

‘Monica still carries a torch for him. She’s dated some guys, off and on, since the whole White House mess. But she’s never been able to get Bill out of her heart’.

Miss Lewinsky was aged 22 in 1995 when she began working in the White House and had an affair with President Clinton, which he famously denied at first.

She now lives in Los Angeles, California, and does not have regular employment, reported the National Enquirer.

She has previously designed handbags and been a pitch woman for Jenny Craig.

She also participated in a book, written with Andrew Morton, called Monica's Story, for which she earned a reported $500,000.

In 2006 she earned a master's degree in social psychology from the London School of Economics, having shut her handbag line and temporarily moved to England.

Mr Clinton was impeached by Republicans in 1998, who tried to throw him out of office.

But his wife Hilary said in 2007 that their marriage was 'worth the investment'.

Miss Lewinsky said her relationship with the president involved her performing sexual acts on him - but not sexual intercourse.

She famously kept a blue dress which she claimed held DNA evidence of their affair.

After allegations began to emerge, President Clinton wagged his finger and sternly told a national television audience he did not have sex with 'that woman'

But seven months later in 1998 he admitted he lied, wanting to protect himself and his family from embarrassment. Mr. Clinton admitted he had an 'inappropriate relationship' with her.

When Clinton's memoir My Life came out in 2004, Miss Lewinsky spoke of her upset at its contents to the Daily Mail, saying rather than being a physical fling, it was a mutual relationship.

'He could have made it right with the book, but he hasn't. He is a revisionist of history. He has lied.

'I really didn't expect him to go into detail about our relationship', she added. 'But if he had and he'd done it honestly, I wouldn't have minded.

She believed he made it sound like the dalliance came only at her initiative and was purely physical.

'He talked about it as though I had laid it all out there for the taking. I was the buffet and he just couldn't resist the dessert.

Clinton wrote that his affair with Lewinsky revealed 'the darkest part of my inner life' and led to his temporary banishment from the White House bedroom.

He said on CBS' 60 Minutes that he became involved with Lewinsky 'for the worst possible reason. Just because I could.'

But according to Lewinsky at the time, 'That's not how it was. This was a mutual relationship, mutual on all levels, right from the way it started and all the way through.'

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