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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Edwin Coello, ex-NYPD cop with abusive past, eyed in dissapearance of estranged wife Tina Adovasio

A Bronx mother of four is missing and feared dead - and investigators are eying her husband, a former NYPD cop with a history of domestic violence, sources said.

Tina Adovasio, 40, was last seen leaving the tidy Throgs Neck home she shared with her husband, former housing cop Edwin Coello, about 9 p.m. Friday, sources said.

Police sources told the Daily News a blurry image of a man believed to be Coello was caught on tape dragging a duffel bag "big enough to hold a body" from the home on the same night.

Investigators tracked Adovasio's cell phone and got hits in High Bridge and Morris Heights on Monday, leading them to believe that her body may have been dumped in one location and her belongings in another, the sources said.

Cops are expected to launch an even wider search Wednesday for Adovasio's body.

Coello, 40, told police he had an argument with the nurse and mother of his 5-year-old daughter before she stormed out of their Edison Ave. apartment, sources said.

The couple is known for their rocky history; records show Adovasio filed for divorce last month. Coello has been busted at least three times for domestic incidents against Adovasio.

"He had beat her before," Adovasio's mother, Adrienne Susco, told The News. "She needed stitches and had two black eyes," she said of an incident that happened a couple of years ago.

Coello - who was forced to quit in 2000 after reports of domestic abuse against his first wife - was questioned about Adovasio's disappearance.

Detectives asked if they could search his car, but Coello clammed up and refused, sources said. He was later released because of lack of evidence.

Late Tuesday, police found Coello's Nissan Maxima in the Bronx and got a search warrant to look for evidence.

His lawyer, Renee Hill, said Coello has fully cooperated. "He's the one who filed the report," Hill said. "He doesn't know where she is."

But Adovasio's mother disputed the claim. "He lied and told the cops she had run off before and left the kids," Susco said. "Never, ever would she leave her children."

Susco said her daughter took the four children to Florida to get away for a couple of weeks, but that was all.

"Oh, my God, I can't even say how devastating this is. She was so beautiful," said Susco.

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