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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Cop shoots cop on L.I.: Deranged punk shot dead before friendly fire fells officer

Officer, Suspect Dead On Long Island:

A Long Island cop was shot in the face and killed by an MTA officer after a knife-wielding self-proclaimed satanist lunged at police and was gunned down in his home Saturday, sources said.

The tragic events unfolded after Nassau County police got a call for a wild-eyed man walking the streets in Massapequa Park armed with a blade and slashing cars shortly after 8 p.m., authorities and witnesses said.

"He was dragging about an 8-inch chef knife across the windows of two cars," said 12-year-old Brian Mullins. "He had murderous-looking eyes staring me down. I thought he was staring into my soul."

Anthony DiGeronimo - who witnesses said was wearing all black with a white mask covered in metal chains - then took to Front St., where he continued to rattle the neighborhood, sources said.

"I was pulling out of my driveway - all of a sudden, I heard a big bang on top of my window," said Theresa Kelly, 71.

"He was hanging on my windshield and he had a very big knife in his hand," she said.

"I was petrified. I thought he was going to break my windshield," she added.

Kelly called 911 and followed the crazed 21-year-old until cops responded.

She said police told him to drop the blade, but instead he bolted into his family's Front St. house.

"He ignored the cop and ran into the house," she said. "His father came out very upset and said, 'Don't shoot my son! Don't shoot my son!'"

Officers kept the man and another woman outside as cops and an MTA officer - who, a source said, lived nearby - rushed inside to nab the armed man, who had barricaded himself in a rear bedroom.

Sources said he was ordered again to drop the weapon, but instead lunged at the cops, forcing at least two officers to shoot the man dead.

After the shooting, a Nassau County special operations cop stepped into the home. An MTA officer, standing near the door, saw the gun and shot the cop in the face.

The officer died soon later at Nassau County University Medical Center.

"It was friendly fire," a source said.

A friend said it wasn't hard to believe DiGeronimo was waltzing around the neighborhood with a knife.

"Everyone knows he has weapons," said Evan Krohn, 23.

"He was always a strange kid," Krohn said. "He would walk around the park with machetes."

On DiGeronimo's Facebook page, he lists his religion as theistic satanist and his political views as anarchist.

His favorite quote is attributed to controversial author Aleister Crowley: "Do what thou wilt."

DiGeronimo warns readers of his online journal, which is filled with his scribblings about satanism, to "take it as you will. Keep in mind, I'm not your 'small-time' occultist."

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