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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

מעשה נורא עם אישה חסידית שטיילה במיאמי - Chasidishe women swimming with men


  1. She should be wearing a burkha. Also she claims to be so tznius but you can see some hairs under coming out from beneath the rag she is wearing on her head

  2. ok, she went shopping, bought a pair of shoes that had a "splash of summer" in them, she and her friends were sitting at the pool have alcoholic drinks but she couldn't drink, and a bunch of albino frum men peed in the pool.

    Did I miss anything?

  3. What happens exactly when a Haredi man sees a woman exposing her toes, hair, collar bones, and (here's the big one) her elbows? Is it like The Manchurian Candidate? Are un-tznuis women a secret trigger for brainwashed Haredi men to carry out the commands of their evil rabbis? Is our girl the victim of one of these psychopaths? Is she trying to warn other women, or is she working on behalf of the psychopathic rabbis?

  4. Does she really mean it? I think the reason she wears a full dress when swimming cause she has a FAT HANGING ASS. Go on diet lady, Dont fress so many pizzas at greens and yak yak,do some exersize and tone it up baby.

  5. went to the beach last Sunday for a few hours. Everyone there was traditional, polite, civil and respectful of everyone else. Within a five hundred metre radius there were : Aussie Anglo Saxons; Brits; Americans; Chinese; A Muslim Family; Germans; Secular Israeli post army young tourists and others I couldn't pick. If a girl wants to wear a bikini good luck to her. Bathing in full dress, whether you are a man or a woman is irrelevant, is about as enjoyable as eating a cheese slice with the plastic on. The prophecies are crystal clear that at some point in human history people will be able to enjoy their own bodies without guilt or shame. Coveting is in the eye of the beholder. It is possible to see a beautiful woman and not want to covet her. The problem is with the observer and not the observed. Of course some boundaries of modesty are important. Open slather nudity is actually quite ugly in a public place. Some places and activities suit a certain type of dress whilst others suit another type of dress. This is not rocket science. The adults in certain religious sects and I don't care whether they are Jewish, Muslim or Christian who choose restrictive dress in certain situations should challenge and question their Rabbis and leaders who are making such dictates. The redemption does unfold over time, but at certain fixed points some eggs of dogma should be broken.

  6. You do realize she's not a vable right? She's an ordinary girl from flatbush who does great impressions also known as Deena Mann.
