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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Rabbi Moti Elon to be indicted for sexual offenses

Jerusalem prosecutor's office summons Elon for pre-indictment hearing on allegations that he sexually harassed two minors in 2003 and 2005.

The Jerusalem prosecutor's office summoned Rabbi Mordechai (Moti) Elon to a pre-indictment hearing on Thursday. The prosecutor's office is considering putting Elon on trial for committing sexual offenses against two minors during 2003 and 2005.

In late January Channel 10 reported that the prosecutor's office recommended that Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein indict Rabbi Elon for forcibly committing sexual offenses against the two minors.

In August, the police recommended to indict Rabbi Elon, after they claimed they had enough evidence to accuse him of carrying out sexual offenses against one minor. The case was transferred to the Jerusalem prosecutor's office for consideration, who recommended Thursday to indict Rabbi Elon.

During the investigation of the case, police found a young man who testified that from 2005 to 2006, when he was still a minor, Elon forcibly committed indecent acts against him.

After a number of examinations that supported the complainant's statements, the attorney general decided to open a criminal file against Elon in 2010. During the investigation police say another person came forward and told them that when he was a minor, Elon had sexually abused him, and Elon was summoned again for questioning. At the end of the questioning Elon was released.

Last year Rabbi Elon's sexual harassment allegations were made public for the first time. Takana, a forum that fights sexual abuse in the Orthodox community and is comprised of Rabbis and educators in religious Zionist circles, said they decided to go public with the allegations because Elon "did not follow the restrictions imposed on him."

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