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Friday, January 7, 2011

Rudy Giuliani may run again

Rudy Giuliani is gearing up for another run at the White House, according to a report Friday.

The former New York City mayor, whose 2008 presidential campaign flopped, is said to be confident about his chances and is huddling with his advisers and planning to make visits to key states as he weighs a decision, The New York Post reports.

Giuliani “thinks the Republican race will be populated with far-right candidates like Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee, and there’s opportunity for a moderate candidate with a background in national security,” a source told the paper.

He is planning a February visit to New Hampshire, where he placed fourth in the GOP presidential primary last time around.

Asked about the Post report this morning, Giuliani said “of course I keep in the back of my mind” the possibility of running again and indicated he is considering an early visit to the Granite state.

“I may be going. I go to New Hampshire a lot, but I don’t have anything scheduled right now,” he said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“I love New Hampshire …It’s a great state and I love being there. And I love being involved in the process.”

But he disputed the paper’s claim that he is meeting with advisors, saying, “Well, so far I haven’t found any political advisors to round up.”

But even his supporters don’t think “America’s Mayor” has much of a chance.

“They think this is crazy,” one source told the Post. “They realize how long the odds are, but they are standing by.”

Giuliani likely sees flirting with a run as a way “stay in the game,” one of the Post’s sources said.

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