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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

NY - Feds Drop Charges Against Man In Alleged Plot

Brooklyn, NY - The United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York released Jacob Vizel, the 54 year old Chasidic father of seven who was charged with trying to kill an unknown man in order to collect on his insurance policy.

Vizel, who has been under house arrest for the past three months, was arrested by the FBI in October 2010 after an undercover informant reportedly recorded Vizel arranging a murder for hire scheme that involved poisoning the unknown man by placing sleeping pills in his coffee.

While Vizel claimed to be innocent all along, the FBI has been pursuing a case against him since October. A motion to drop all charges was filed last Friday due to a lack of evidence against Vizel, and the U.S. Attorney announced that all charges against Vizel have been dropped.

1 comment:

  1. We are all so happy he is very nice and good man
