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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Brooklyn DA rips Bloomberg over blizzard, bangs DSNY with subpoenas

Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes last night said his investigation into whether sanitation workers purposely delayed removing snow from city streets after last month’s blizzard isn’t limited to just the city’s Sanitation Department – in fact, the entire Bloomberg administration is being scrutinized for what he called a “disgraceful job.”

Speaking at PS 195 during a meeting of the Manhattan Beach Community Group, the DA confirmed that his office has banged the Sanitation Department with several subpoenas demanding work logs and other records – some of which it has already received.

“The investigation has a long way to go, but we are on top of it,” said Hynes, adding that the actions of other city departments will also be reviewed.

Organizers of the meeting in protest displayed two empty chairs atop a stage and said they were reserved for Mayor Bloomberg and Public Advocate Bill DeBlasio, neither of who sent representatives to the meeting on request.

Residents in Manhattan Beach and other sections of South Brooklyn were particularly hit hard by the city's poor cleanup of to the storm.

Hynes didn’t hold back his feelings about Bloomberg “blowing off” the meeting.

“Maybe he should be here to explain what happened,” Hynes told the Post afterwards. “He is totally disengaged from the rest of the city. It is ridiculous.”

Hynes also said “there has been so much double talk” at City Hall over how the blizzard was handled that "it’s disgraceful.”

He also held no punches back for the MTA’s dealings of the storm.

“People were stuck on the A-train for six hours. It’s disgraceful. Don’t they have emergency vehicles at the MTA?” he said.

Besides Hynes, Queens DA Richard Brown and the feds are also investigating the city’s handling of the blizzard for criminal misconduct.

Due to the length of last night’s meeting, reps from the Mayor’s office could not be timely reached for comment.

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