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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Teen suspect accused in hate crime beating accused in other attacks of Orthodox Jews

The block in Brooklyn where Joel Weinberger was attacked on Thanksgiving night.

One of two Brooklyn teenagers accused in the Monday beating of a Hasidic Jew attacked two other Orthodox Jews over the last two weeks, it was revealed Wednesday.

Joel Weinberger, 26, had to undergo surgery for a broken eye socket that included having three plates implanted in his face after the Thanksgiving Day attack, a Brooklyn family court judge said.

One of the teenagers admitted to the Weinberger attack, which has been classified as a hate crime, said Judge Daniel Turbow.

"[It's] basically an admission to beating up an individual because he's Jewish," Turbow said.

The second victim, who was not identified, was attacked Saturday - two days before Moshe Guttman, 45, of Borough Park, was assaulted after leaving a Chanukah party at a yeshiva.

The disclosures came during a Family Court proceeding on Wednesday, and the teenagers, both 15, were held without bail pending a hearing Friday.

Both are truants who attend school less than 50% of the time, apparently use drugs, and exhibit "behavior that is out of control," according to a probation report that included interviews with the boys' parents.

One of the boys has lived in several different homes over the last year and his mother lived in a shelter for much of the time, according to that report, read by a court clerk.

That teenager "needs a substance abuse program," said his defense lawyer, Sandeep Kandhari.

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