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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Schizophrenic Eric Bellucci, charged with slaying parents and fleeing to Israel, throws fit in jail

The schizophrenic Staten Island man charged with slaying his parents before he fled to Israel threw a fit in his cell early Wednesday and forced lawmakers to postpone his arraignment.

Eric Bellucci, 30, refused to cooperate with officers trying to bring him to court to appear on an eight-count indictment for killing his mother and father in October, prosecutors said.

"The defendant refused to be fingerprinted and when transported to the Supreme Court for arraignment refused to leave the holding cells," said Daniel Donovan, district attorney for Staten Island.

Prosecutors postponed Bellucci's arraignment until after a psychological evaluation, Donovan said. The testing could take until the end of January to complete.

Bellucci allegedly stabbed his parents, Arthur, 61, and Marian, 56, in their Annandale home before he fled overseas, prosecutors said.

The diagnosed schizophrenic was nabbed in Tel Aviv buying a ticket to China after a days-long international manhunt was launched.

He faces first- and second-degree murder charges. If convicted, he could face up to 25 years to life in prison.

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