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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Orthodox rabbis issue gag order

CROWN HEIGHTS - In the ultra-orthodox community, conformity is a way of life.

That is why a series of startling edicts from their leading rabbis are hardly controversial at all.

"Whatever the rabbis say is my position," one man on the street told us.

Determined to maintain good relations with the NYPD, rabbis have issued what critics say amounts to a gag order on the three thousand families who live here.

According to their edicts, any public criticism of the NYPD, including community complaints, must be approved in advance.

Websites must have permission to publish criticism.

Residents must not bring potentially incriminating information about other residents to the media.

The rabbis insist permission must come from the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council, the local liaison with the NYPD.

Most people told us that they support the rabbis, but there are those who say they've gone way too far.

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