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Sunday, December 9, 2018

Convicted Sexual Pervert "Pre-Prison Party" Attended by Yanky Kanievski

The smiling fellow on the left in this picture is Yisrael Draiman, a chareidi askan who was recently convicted of numerous sex crimes against four female minors. To be abundantly clear, he was charged with tens of counts of molestation, indecent sexual acts, and sodomy of four little girls each around 12 years old.

The man to his right is Yanky Kanievsky, grandson of Reb Chaim Kanievsky. This wouldn't be exceptionally noteworthy except that Yanky is the leading gabbai of Reb Chaim, which means he is one of those who decides who is allowed in, who gets seen and heard, and whose letters gets signed by Reb Chaim. Which means, he is arguably one of the most powerful singular individuals in chareidi litvish Jewry today.

This festive gathering, which took place in the last week, was a party in honor of Draiman, who will be beginning his prison sentence shortly.

Let that sink in for a minute.

The gatekeeper of Reb Chaim Kanievsky, the person who literally choses every haskama he makes and psak he gives, openly supports a man who enjoys raping little frum girls”.

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