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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Youths Arrested for Suspicion of Planning Harm to Jewish Girls Linked to Arabs

Officers from the Samaria and Judea District Police placed two Beitar Illit youths under arrest for suspicion of planning attacks on Jewish women who were romantically linked to Arab men. 

This was against a background of a conference of the Lehava Movement (a movement which opposes intermarriage), which recently took place there.  The police arrested the youths at the conference.  

Both boys have been released to house arrest.

Attorneys for the two boys, from the Honenu NGO, Itamar Ben Gvir, and Avichai Hajbi, have stated that there is no reasonable substantiation for the charges. 

They also noted that the young woman making the claim did not identify them during a police line-up. 

The Jerusalem Magistrate's Court released them to house arrest.

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