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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Glenn Beck: Israel boycott lead by White House, will lead to Jewish internment

During February 5th, 2014 broadcast, Glenn Beck warned that it will only be a matter of time before American Jews are rounded up and forced into internment camps.

Beck supposedly believes this because of a new website urging supporters to boycott Israel until it complies with international law and Palestinian rights.

According to Beck, the movement is being spearheaded by the Obama administration in order to pressure Israel into making concessions in the name of peace which, when Israel refuses, will justify the next violent Palestinian uprising.

Once that breaks out, he insists, all the groups responsible for the boycott (Oxfam, George Soros, the Tides Foundation, Samantha Power, Teresa Heinz Kerry, etc.) will call for an international military force to invade Israel, followed by Jews and supporters of Israel in America being rounded up and forced into internment camps.

Which would be unbelievable even if Beck didn't have an extensive history of insisting that whatever he personally has a stick up his butt about at the moment is going to lead to Nazi-style suppression.

In fact, this is was not even the first time that day Beck had warned people would wind up in internment camps. Earlier that day, Beck had warned that the government would soon be throwing abortion opponents and climate change deniers into internment camps.

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