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Monday, February 10, 2014

Albuquerque Jewish Deli Hit With Anti-Semitic Vandalism Again

The owner of a Jewish deli in Albuquerque's Nob Hill neighborhood tells KOB Eyewitness News 4 she has been targeted by anti-Semitic vandalism again.

The Nosh Deli was defaced with threats and Jewish slurs a couple weeks ago.
This time, the FBI is involved.

The latest anti-Semitic attack started on Saturday and lasted all weekend.

"People are just disgusted," said deli owner Alisa Turtletaub. "They're disgusted that this is happening."
Another month brought another attack.

"Don't hide behind a postal sticker," she said. "If you have such a problem, then show your face."

Turtletaub faced more anti-Semitic vandalism on the front door of her Jewish deli this weekend.

Postal stickers with anti-Jewish slurs showed up on her front door Saturday.

"I'm not going to be a victim, but it's a little unsettling," she said.

Then, on Sunday, more stickers showed up. This time, they were spread throughout the neighborhood.

This time they were on the Nosh Deli front door and on parking meters and light poles all up and down a city block.

Investigators found a half-dozen stickers scrawled with anti-Semitic slurs.

"Priority mail stickers, and here, and down the street," said Turtletaub.

She found the same type of stickers covered in anti-Jewish threats and slurs on her front door last month.

"It's not random, because it keeps happening," she said.

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