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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Former Military Intelligence chief Amos Yadlin delayed at Heathrow Airport

Former Military Intelligence Chief Amos Yadlin was held up for 45 minutes in London's Heathrow International Airport, due to a standing warrant for his arrest issued by a Turkish court due to his "responsibility for the Mavi Marmara incident," referring to the IDF takeover of the 2010 Gaza flotilla, in which nine Turkish nationals were killed.

After the airport's immigration officers made inquiries with the British Foreign Office, they let Yadlin enter the country to continue his visit as planned.
About a year and a half ago Turkey's chief prosecutor filed an indictment with an Istanbul court against four Israeli officers for their "responsibility for the massacre on the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara': Former Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi, former Navy Chief Eliezer Marom, Air Forces intelligence director Avishai Levi and Yadlin.

About three weeks ago Brig. Gen. Marom was detained at Heathrow and allowed to continue on his way a few minutes later.

Some 10 days ago Yadlin arrived in Heathrow on his way to a lecture for Bicom, a pro-Israel British organization.

Yaldin, head of the Institute for National Security Studies, presented his passport to an immigration officer, who asked him to wait for an inspection. After 45 minutes he was allowed to enter Britain.

Yadlin notified the Israeli embassy in London of the incident. This is the first time Yadlin has been delayed in Britain , after visiting the country several times in the last few years.

"I knew exactly what the story was, and that it would be fine," Yadlin told Yedioth Aharonoth.

"They didn't ask me anything, they just told me: Sit here, we need to check a few things. It's not alright it took 45 minutes. It's unfortunate, but I refuse to get excited over it."

Asked whether he will return to Britain in the future, Yadlin answered: "If it's a vacation – I'll probably pick someplace else."

On Saturday, an attempt by a pro-Palestinian group in Spain to issue arrest warrants for former Shin Bet Chief Avi Dichter and former Minister Dan Meridor failed, due to the efforts of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, Justice Ministry and the Madrid embassy.

The two were in the country to attend a conference by the Spanish national security institute, concluded their visit as planned and returned safely to Israel.

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