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Friday, August 2, 2013

Monsey - URGENT Message From Rabbi Yakov Horowitz

Dear YDN Parents/Faculty Members and Members of the Monsey Community:
Earlier today, Ramapo Police Chief Peter Brower graciously met with Arie Rabinowitz, Lavi Needleman and me to discuss the recent attempted abduction of children in our community. 

Our YDN parent Lavi Needleman has been collecting information about previous abduction attempts from parents who contacted him following our initial email last Friday about this matter, and he already has information related to five! incidents over the past few months.
Here were some take-away points from our meeting:

·Chief Brower will be informing his police force of the attempted abductions and there will be increased patrols in the areas where they occurred
· Any parents whose children are approached by a stranger in an abduction attempt should immediately call the police at 845-357-2400 and report the incident. After the police were called, kindly contact Lavi Needleman (his cell is 845-494-1180 and email is so we can inform the public if there is a threat to our kids.
·In the event of an attempted abduction, please try to collect as many details as possible and share them with the police.
·Without overly frightening your children, parents should speak to them about “stranger danger,” not to approach cars (in one of the recent abduction attempts, the driver asked a child for directions to Orchard Hill Park, and asked the child to show him where it was).
·Please exercise caution and do not allow young children to walk unsupervised.


Chief Brower strongly suggested that parents become aware of the registered offenders who live in the area. Click on the previous link and enter your zip code and the zip code of areas surrounding you. 

Hold your stomach as you read what these monsters have done to innocent children, but it is far better that you be forewarned about the danger from predators from the general population and from members of our community. 

You can also click here to get emails whenever a convicted sex offender moves into our area, relocates, or when there is a fresh conviction of a child molester. 

Lavi and Peshy Needleman are working on creating a flyer with pertinent information on this matter that can be posted in shuls, summer camps and schools. I will disseminate the flyer via this email list as soon as it is ready. 


Chief Brower encourages all schools and summer camps to take advantage of his offer to send police officers to speak to our children about personal safety and “stranger danger.” Kindly contact Lavi Needleman (his cell is 845-494-1180 and email is for more information or to schedule a talk in your institution.

Kindly forward this email to your friends and see if it can be sent to shul email lists before Shabbos.

May Hashem watch over all our children and please see to it that they are properly trained and supervised at all times.

 Best wishes for a Gutten Shabbos

 Rabbi Yakov Horowitz
 Dean, Yeshiva Darchei Noam
 Director, Project YES

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