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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Eliot Spitzer refuses to deny claims he's cheating on his wife

Eliot Spitzer refused today to deny that he has a girlfriend.

The candidate for city comptroller was asked three times at a campaign stop this morning in Brooklyn about persistent rumors he is having an "extra-marital affair."

"I am so tired of the personal attacks and I've answered all those questions," Spitzer said outside the Borough Hall subway station, where he was shaking hands with voters and received an overwhelmingly positive response.

"The public cares about what I did in government. That's what I'm going to be talking about and that's what the public is going to be voting on -- based on what I did in terms of trying to clean up Wall Street, which got a lot more attention than the other things we did.
But the other things we did was just as important."

When the topic came up again, Spitzer insisted voters don't care about his personal life.

"We've said everything we can say about that and these are attacks that are coming out of left field and frankly, you know, the public cares about what the public should care about. 

The public frankly is a lot smarter in this regard than some folks in the media," he said.

At that point, an aide tried to end the impromptu press conference.

But Spitzer took one more question, when a reporter gave him a chance to "reject" the rumors.

"I have said everything we're going to say about this," Spitzer concluded..

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