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Friday, February 15, 2013

Tebow's hate date: Tim to talk at gay bash, anti-Jew pastor's church

He's on the verge of being dumped by the Jets, but Tim Tebow is poised to be the star attraction at a Texas church headed by a hate-spewing preacher.

The wildcat quarterback is slated to speak at the 11,000-member First Baptist Dallas Church’s April 28 Sunday morning service, according to the church’s website.

While Tebow is known for wearing his religion on his sleeve and his prayerful onfield gestures have been dubbed “Tebowing,” he’s made a practice of not offending his teammates with his faith.

But Tebow’s peace-and-love message could be tested by the megachurch’s evangelical Christian pastor, the Rev. Robert Jeffress.

In 2011, Jeffress told a crowd at a Values Vote Summit that homosexuals don’t belong in the military because “70% of the gay population” has AIDS. He also once accused gay activists of trying to hide “the link between homosexuality and pedophilia.”

In November, the preacher warned his flock that President Obama’s reelection “would lead to a rise of the antiChrist.”

While endorsing Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s presidential bid in October 2011, Jeffress bashed Islam, Judaism and Mormonism as heretical religions “from the pit of hell.”

Tebow’s planned message to the First Baptist Church’s congregation was unclear Thursday night. He could not immediately be reached for comment.

Last Easter, he spoke to 30,000 people at the Celebration Church in Georgetown, Tex. His message was far more tame than Jeffress’ rhetoric.

“It’s OK to be outspoken about your faith,” Tebow said at the Celebration’s morning Easter service.

“First and foremost it is what this country was based on: one nation under God,” he said to loud applause.

Tebow is coming off a dismal season for himself and the Jets, who appear ready to dump him after one year.

But he did get a compliment Thursday from fired Jets general manager Mike Tannebaum. Speaking on the NFL Network, Tannebaum expressed confidence that Tebow will someday be a successful NFL quarterback or “die trying.”

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