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Thursday, February 14, 2013

State seeks to make example of US-born ‘Jewish terrorist’

Jack Tytell

Israel’s state prosecution on Wednesday asked the Jerusalem District Court to sentence a man dubbed the “Jewish terrorist” to two back-to-back life sentences plus 70 years’ imprisonment for his crime of double murder, saying society should to take away Jacob (Jack) Tytell’s freedom “until the end of his days.”

Tytell, an American-born Israeli Jew who was convicted in January of murdering two Palestinians and wounding two Israelis in a series of violent acts, “trampled, in his actions, every possible value human society is founded upon,” prosecutor Sagi Ofir explained during the sentencing hearing.

In January, the Jerusalem District Court rejected Tytell’s insanity plea, turning back psychiatric testimony on his behalf, and finding him accountable for the 10 crimes he had confessed to committing.

Tytell’s acts of incitement and calls to replace the State of Israel with a totalitarian Jewish monarchy, along with his calls for and encouragement of violence against those who didn’t share his views, were acts that “undermine the foundations of a democratic society,” Ofir also said. In his acts of murder, attempted murder and violence, Tytell “scorned the sanctity of life,” Ofir added.

Tytell’s actions warranted that “his freedom be taken until the end of his days,” just as he took away the freedom of his victims and tried to take it from others, the prosecutor stated.

Acknowledging that Tytell would die long before he could serve out such a sentence in full, Ofir said, ”It’s obvious that part of the requested jail time has value as a statement… that will deter anyone contemplating similar actions.”

Tytell was arrested in 2009, and admitted to carrying out at least seven terror acts that killed two Palestinians and injured three over the course of 12 years. Besides targeting Palestinians, the 40-year-old Florida native attacked Jews he suspected of missionary actions.

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