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Sunday, February 10, 2013

CA - Police officer who followed woman across desert in a HELICOPTER and landed to search her is caught on camera

In what some are calling a clear case of police harassment a new video captures a San Bernardino police officer circling a lone woman in the desert in a helicopter before finally landing the chopper and forcing her through an unconstitutional search.

The incident happened on January 24, well before the manhunt for Christopher Dorner spurred police searches across the state.

At the beginning of the video, Tiffany Jones, 33, narrates over footage of the helicopter, saying it has made several low passes to 'scare' her before it eventually lands.

An unidentified officer from the San Bernardino Sherffi's office then approaches her, asking her name and for her purpose in the area.

'Just exploring and picking up rocks,' she tells him.

He then calls in her name and date of birth over the radio explaining to her only that 'We're investigating something right now.'

After police headquarters responds to his background check, he asks if Jones has any weapons.

'Don't put your hands in your pockets,' he says and then begins to search her.

As he goes through her belongings, the woman repeatedly repeats that she does not consent to a search but he ignores her and continues.

'I know you’re doing your job but I don’t consent to a search,' she says as he dismisses her and inspects her belongings.

'That's fine, that's fine,' he says as he inspects her.

After finding no reason to detain her and nothing illegal in her possession, the officer finally goes back to her helicopter telling her to 'have a good one.'

Commenting at InfoWars, writer Paul Joseph Watson speculates that it costs 'well $2,000 dollars an hour to fuel a police helicopter.

The video footage lasts ten minutes, and even after the cop lands the chopper, he keeps the rotator blades switched on during the entire incident.' He calls the footage a waste of law enforcement resources for no reason other than harassment and violation of the woman's fourth amendment rights.

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