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Monday, December 17, 2012

Woman strips in heart of Mea Shearim

The ultra-Orthodox residents of Mea Shearim were shocked to see a naked woman walking around Jerusalem's most modest neighborhood last week.

The incident, which took place in the late afternoon hours, began when a beggar undressed and sat in the middle of the neighborhood's main street stark naked.

Passersby, including children and men from the neighborhood's extreme factions, tried to convince the woman to put her clothes on, but to no avail. Only after a police force was dispatched to the area several minutes later, the woman agreed to cover herself up.
How high was the level of anger on the street? "In this case, the extremists did not pour bleach all over her because they must have realized that something was wrong," said a worker in a nearby store who witnessed the odd incident.

Nevertheless, it was pretty clear to everyone that had the immodest woman stayed in the area for more than a few minutes, local residents would have run out of patience and the incident would have ended in a completely different manner.

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