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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Max Shacknai Death likely a Homicide

Max Shacknai, 6, Medicis Pharmaceuticals CEO Jonah Shacknai’s son, died after falling down the stairs at his father's mansion in July 2011 — the same house where his dad's girlfriend was later found dead.

A six-year-old boy who died last summer after falling from the grand staircase at his father's luxurious mansion was likely assaulted before plunging to his death, a new medical report claimed.

Max Shacknai's death was the first in a bizarre series of events that led to his father's girlfriend being found hanged, bound and naked, from a balcony at the palatial home in San Diego two days later.

Police declared both deaths solved and that pharmaceutical millionaire Jonah Shacknai was not involved in either.

Max Shacknai was in the care of his father's girlfriend Rebecca Zahau at the time of his death.

Max's death was ruled an accident and Miss Zahau's death deemed a suicide.

Max's mother Dinah Shacknai refused to believe these findings and instead hired her own team of investigators.

The new report claimed that Max was the victim of a homicide.

Ms Shacknai called on the Coronado police to reopen the case after the findings from Dr Judy Melinek, a San Francisco-based forensic pathologist, and Dr Robert Bove, an injury biomechanics expert.

She told Fox News: 'I can't imagine anyone in the world wanting to harm Maxie. He was the most sweet, loving and gentle boy.'

In the new report, both medical experts said that Max had injuries consistent with being beaten.

Dr Melinek reported that the child had injuries on his body which could not just have come from a fall, adding that it was impossible for Max to have bumped into the balcony and fallen over.

The claims appeared to point the finger at Jonah Shacknai's girlfriend Rebecca which the late woman's sister strongly denied today.

Mary Zahau told RadarOnline: 'The thought that Rebecca would cause Max harm is preposterous.'

Mary added that the relationship between her sister and Max was a close and loving one, with her treating him like her own child.

The Coronado police department said it would review the report and decide whether to reopen the investigation.

Max died at the hospital shortly after he tumbled down the grand staircase at the historic Spreckels manor.

His multimillionaire father, Jonah Shacknai, was not home at the time, but Mr Shacknai's girlfriend, Miss Zahau, 32, was along with her 13-year-old sister.

Two days after Max's death on July 16, Mr Shacknai discovered Miss Zahau hanging dead from an outside balcony. She was naked, gagged and her hands and feet bound.

Miss Zahau's parents also believe that their daughter was murdered.

They hired a private pathologist to conduct a second autopsy. That expert said his findings cast doubt on the suicide ruling.

However, San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore said the second look revealed no new information and the case remains closed.

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