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Monday, July 30, 2012

Mindy Meyer, Pol twitty in pink

Brooklyn’s “Magenta Yenta’’ won’t let a little thing like reality get in her way.

Mindy Meyer, the 22-year-old running for state Senate with a pink “Legally Blonde”-inspired Web site, says her greatest influence is the film’s heroine, Elle Woods, who inspired her to go to law school and enter politics.

“She showed me that you can take pink and bring it to the most highfaluted legal institution such as Harvard, so why can’t I bring it to the Senate?” Meyer said.

Umm, because Elle is fictional?

Reese Witherspoon’s character isn’t Meyer’s only idol. Trying to run on the GOP and Conservative party lines to create her own pink district in a blue state, she hailed Rudy Giuliani as her political hero. But she can’t recall his position on any major issue.

Meyer, who scored a political-science degree from Touro College, stopped to think when asked by a political Web site about the state’s chief executive, Andrew Cuomo.

“Honestly, I’m not really familiar with him,” she told Capital New York last week.

Meyer now insists she was misquoted and really, truly does know who the governor is, even if she’s not, like, totally sure of his political views.

Asked to name one, Meyer, an Orthodox Jew, said she knew that Cuomo was “trying” to pass some gay-marriage legislation that she didn’t agree with.

“People can be gay. I just don’t feel it’s a platform for marriage,” she said. Told that the governor has, in fact, already signed the bill into law, she said she wouldn’t fight to repeal it.

Asked why she wants to run for state Senate, she said, “I was actually, you know, considering running for City Council and then I realized, you know, this year is the Assembly district, you know, elections on the senatorial elections so I figured why not just start from state Senate?”

Pink is her favorite color — as anyone who looks at her blinding Web site without sunglasses can see. She’s shown standing at a pink podium and her “issues’’ page illustrates her anti-abortion platform with a pink cartoon baby holding a pink rattle.

So far, she has only the Conservative Party’s line because she waited too long to register as a Republican. Unconcerned about the long odds against winning in a heavily Democratic district, Meyer is already thinking about her next move. And like Elle, she hopes Washington is in her future.

“I want to ultimately maybe one day run in the presidential elections,” Meyer told The Jewish Daily Forward.

Meyer had a tough time recalling who ran for the White House in 2008, the year she registered to vote.

“I voted against Obama,” she said, struggling to remember exactly whom she did vote for.

She’s also not impressed by Sarah Palin, explaining:

“She’s just so oblivious to the issues.”


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