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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Rabbi Gershon Kranczer and son on the lam in Israel

Rabbi Gershon Kranczer

They may run, and it seems they can hide.

Brooklyn rabbi Gershon Kranczer, 58, hopped a JFK flight to Tel Aviv on Nov. 29, 2010, running away just days before cops went to his Midwood house of horrors to arrest him on charges of repeatedly raping several female relatives. One of his sons, Asher, 21, facing similar charges, joined his dad on the plane.

More than 18 months later, their Brooklyn indictments are sealed from public view and authorities won’t discuss any efforts to bring them to justice.

A spokesman for Brooklyn DA Charles Hynes said he asked the US Justice Department to extradite the Kranczers in early 2011, a move purportedly in the works.

The feds refused to comment.

“We don’t confirm or deny extradition requests,” said Laura Seal, a State Department spokeswoman.

The NYPD opened the sickening case when a 20-year-old woman confided in a co-worker that the respected rabbi, who ran Yeshiva Tehila L’Dovid, had sexually assaulted her for years.

Cops later learned that three of her female relatives, ages 8, 17 and 19, were also allegedly abused.

“If there was a real desire to get these guys back, DA Hynes would be pushing for it, and he would be successful,” said Ben Hirsch, president of Survivors For Justice.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!!!
    Now this is a first an Orthodox Rabbi that molest girls, not little boys.
    What a TZADDIK
