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Monday, May 14, 2012

Orthodox Jewish man beaten because he refuses to give a "get"

                                                           Robert Klein

An Orthodox Jewish man from Queens allegedly tied up and beat his estranged son-in-law — and then forced him to recite the words for a rabbi-sanctioned divorce known as a “get.”

“There were four guys in black ski masks. They pulled me, and they started beating me,” said Robert Klein, 25, of Brooklyn. He said they also took his cellphone and credit card.

“They tied my hands and feet. blindfolded me, beat me and made me repeat, ‘I want to give a get, and I’m doing so willingly and freely,’ ” said Klein, who is in a bitter divorce battle with wife Reva in Queens Supreme Court. The couple split after 10 months of marriage

Under Jewish tradition, the husband must consent to a divorce.

Klein’s father-in-law, Brian Hirshman, 52, was charged with robbery and assault yesterday.

Klein said that after he was ambushed by Hirshman and the others, he mumbled the words they made him say.

“If they recorded it, they would know it was forced. I checked with the rabbis, and it’s not considered a valid get. It wasn’t written,’’ he said.

A woman who answered the phone at Hirshman’s home declined to comment.



  1. Why? His FIL is a smuck

  2. Who cares he is ruining this girls life. He should have given the get and everyone move on. Instead, he is tormenting her.

  3. did you ever think that he may have valid reasons for not giving the get??? i know him personally, and he does in fact have many valid reasons for not yet giving the get.

  4. There is 3 sides to every story, and then the truth. Anyone who thinks they can play sides, and decide who is right and who is wrong is an idiot!!

  5. What is with all these criminals in Kew Garden Hills? This father in law and his buddies think they are high & mighty. He has friends that have criminal records too

  6. It don't matter if he is right or not, you cannot use the Torah for a bargaining chip.

    I've heard all kind of excuses why men don't wanna grant a get to their wives and neither of them is convincing enough to hold a woman hostage.

  7. It don't matter if he is right or not, you cannot use the Torah for a bargaining chip.

    I've heard all kind of excuses why men don't wanna grant a get to their wives and neither of them is convincing enough to hold a woman hostage.

  8. anonymous 945,
    yes, I've thought, and, no, there is NO VALID REASON FOR WITHOLDING A GET! she may be the biggest B!t*h to have ever walked the planet, she may have robbed him blind, and lied to him, and cheated on him, or whatever you might think, but that dosen't matter; Life, and she, may have dealt him a raw deal; but THAT's STILL NO REASON TO WITHOLD A GET!!!! It's jackasses like you that justify this behavior, who contribute to this mentality of, "I'll use the get as a chip"

  9. I totally agree

  10. What if they are taking away his kid and not letting him see his kid ever wouldn't u withhold get until they give at least visitation rights?
